Juicy steak and tender casserole: check what the Tefal OptiGrill 4 in 1 electric grill can do
Miscellaneous / / October 26, 2023
This kitchen gadget has four modes: Smart Grill, BBQ, Oven and Set Dish. We tested them all and are ready to share our impressions. And also - a promotional code for a nice discount.
OptiGrill 4 в 1 from Tefal - a gadget not only for cooking meat. It has nine automatic programs for different dishes: you can prepare a diet dinner for the whole family, defrost semi-finished products and even bake a pie. Nastya Novikova, Lifehacker’s project manager, will help you make sure of this. She loves culinary experiments and never misses an opportunity to try new recipes.
Настя Новикова
Project manager at Lifehacker.
The grill appeared in my life three years ago, and I immediately fell in love with this gadget. I cooked mainly meat, vegetables and toast - the simple device was not capable of more. Recently, it has stopped coping with steaks, so I was interested in trying the OptiGrill 4 in 1 from Tefal as an alternative to my old one.
My husband and I are fish fans - I also included it in the list of recipes. I try to eat healthy, but my husband believes that food, first of all, should be tasty. I have to dodge to make sure everyone is happy, so I want to try a quick PP recipe on the grill. And my nephews, who have a sweet tooth and are very difficult to please, often come to visit me. I’ll prepare a healthy dessert for them - curd cheesecake, or a simple casserole.
From October 25 to November 2, you can buy OptiGrill 4 in 1 cheaper. In the Tefal online store using a promotional code LIFEHACKER you will receive a 15% discount.
What can you cook in an electric grill?
Juicy steak
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
Functional OptiGrill 4 в 1 from Tefal will delight fans of delicious meat. The plates of the device are located at an angle: thanks to this solution, the steak is fried rather than boiled in its own juices. The gadget itself determines the thickness of the food with an accuracy of 1 millimeter and sets the time and temperature, and the color indicator of the degree of frying shows when it is time to remove the dish from the heat.
Nastya was the first to test the Smart Grill mode and fry a ribeye. The preparation process took several minutes: the girl set the auto program to “Steaks” and waited for the plates to warm up. I decided not to use the marinade and immediately put the meat on the grill. When he showed it was medium done, I removed it from the heat, seasoned it with salt, added freshly ground pepper and a sprig of rosemary, then wrapped the steak in foil and let it rest for a couple of minutes.
Настя Новикова
Literally half a minute later a very appetizing smell appeared and a crust began to form. I was afraid of drying out the dish, but the gadget really turned out to be smart. He himself determined the thickness of the meat and adjusted everything so that we got incredibly juicy steaks. I didn't even have to turn them over.
Fish like on the grill
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
Barbecue mode in OptiGrill 4 в 1 allows you to cook twice as much, which means twice as fast. To do this, you need to open the grill 180°, select the temperature using the side thermostat and wait until the non-stick panels are hot enough.
Nastya tested this regime on barbecue barbecue with eggplant. The girl spied the idea for the Barbecue program in the Tefal mobile application, but replaced the chicken from the original fish recipe. I salted and peppered the fillet, added some Italian herbs and a drop of oil. The eggplant previously soaked in salted water so that they would not be bitter. After the products have been prepared, the girl laid out the skewers of the fish on one half of the grill, and the vegetables on the other.
Настя Новикова
I was about as delighted with this dish as my husband was with steaks. I added a pesto sauce to the eggplant, as indicated in the recipe from the Tefal application - it turned out to be an unexpectedly tasty combination. It’s also nice that the food doesn’t burn even without oil.
Chicken cutlets with vegetables
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
Nastya works a lot and sometimes wants a full -fledged lunch to prepare quickly and with minimal intervention. When you need both a side dish and a main dish at once, the “Complex Dish” mode will help out. For its use, a special form is provided, replacing both a frying pan and oven. In it you can fry, simmer, bake. And most importantly - forget about painful cleaning: fat from products will be assembled in a separate pallet, and the plates themselves will be easy to remove and wash.
The time of testing the “Complex dish” mode fell on the day of burning deadlines, so Nastya collected dinner from semi -finished products: frozen chicken cutlets and ready -made vegetable mixture with rice.
Настя Новикова
Оказалось, что у гриля есть очень удобная опция разморозки. В разгар рабочего дня я просто кинула в него несколько котлет и ушла заниматься делами. After 10 minutes everything was ready to fry. I laid out the meat into one half, and in the second I fell asleep vegetables. Перевернула, чуть помешала, и полезный обед готов! The husband, by the way, also liked it: the cutlets came out juicy, and the side dish - bright and appetizing. He was also glad that the device was easy to wash.
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
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Изображение: Лилия Алтынбаева / Алёна Гулиева / Лайфхакер
IN OptiGrill 4 в 1 You can also make desserts. В качестве сладкого угощения для племянников Настя выбрала творожную запеканку. К обычному тесту она добавила цедру лимона и апельсина, как было указано в сборнике рецептов Tefal. После этого смазала форму сливочным маслом, вылила массу и поставила на ручной режим запекания. Через полчаса нежный десерт был готов.
Настя Новикова
Experimenting with the grill was a little scary. What if the baked goods burn, or, conversely, fail to bake? It’s still more common to bake desserts in the oven. Поэтому выбрала не самый капризный рецепт. Everything went well. Цедра в тесте дала приятную цитрусовую ноту, и маленькие цензоры сказали, что получилось даже вкуснее, чем в садике. I probably wouldn’t risk playing with yeast dough, but I’ll probably get puff pastries or waffles.
Кстати, к грилю можно подобрать специальную насадку для бельгийских вафель. А если любите экспериментировать не только с десертами, замените нижнюю пластину OptiGrill 4 в 1 на форму для запекания. Мясные пироги, лазаньи, овощные запеканки — для режима «Духовка» в мобильном приложении Tefal есть много вдохновляющих идей.
Итоги эксперимента
Настя Новикова
Признаюсь, у меня было много сомнений насчёт многофункциональности устройства. Если с «Умным грилем» и «Барбекю» всё более или менее понятно, то подступиться к «Духовке» и «Комплексному блюду» было не просто — всё-таки готовка на своей плите и новом устройстве сильно отличаются. But OptiGrill 4 в 1 развеял все мои сомнения по поводу многофункциональных устройств. I was also pleased with the recipes from the manufacturer’s collection - they are already adapted for grilling. Поэтому я продолжила готовить даже после эксперимента: после стейков решила попробовать рёбрышки. Получилось хорошо. Теперь не знаю, как объяснить мужу, что мы не можем так питаться каждый день.