How to lose weight for the summer and do not harm health: doctors advise
Health / / December 19, 2019
Why is bad to lose weight rapidly
Metabolism - a complex process, having a weight of nuances. What you eat - a source of energy and building materials for the body, which is composed of trillions of cells. And if you decide to dramatically and drastically change your diet, it is fraught with consequences.
In acute shortage of energy source the body takes first no fats, as we would like, and carbohydrate reserves, and then - protein. This leads to a decrease in muscle tone. Energy shortage causes the body to become thrifty. metabolism rebuilt after dieting goes even more weight gain. Reduced intake of vitamins and minerals, which in modern man and without deficit.
Lada Stupakova, physician, clinical pharmacologist AS "Farmakopeyka"
What can cause changes in your diet?
- If you drastically limit the use of fat, it will affect the sex hormones. Because of this, the girls are often disrupted menstrual cycle.
- Harsh restrictions on food hit the leptin and ghrelin - the hormone responsible for satiety and appetite control.
- For those who goes to protein nutrition and limit the use of fats and carbohydrates, often detract from the appearance. Fats help to better absorption of vitamin D, as it affects the skin, hair and nails.
- Carbohydrate-free diet can lead to a decrease in blood pressure, reduction of energy, poor memory and slow thinking processes.
- Limiting the amount of meat in the diet (it is replaced with vegetables and dairy products) results in a protein deficiency in the body, edema appear.
How to lose weight
1. Go to the doctor and be surveyed
Not to get health problems, be sure to know the state of your body. To do this, go to the doctor. Better if it will be a nutritionist (as a rule, it additionally has a certificate of general practitioner, gastroenterologist or endocrinologist). He will tell you what it is necessary to hand over analyzes and what inspection to pass.
It is necessary to focus not on the number that you see on the scale and the volume and the results of bioimpedance. This is a qualitative study on the special medical equipment, which shows how much you have kg of fat, muscle, active cell mass, a metabolic rate, whether or dehydration edema.
Svetlana Nezvanova, dietitian, a gastroenterologist, founder of the author's school nutrition
After the examination, the doctor may prescribe reception of vitamins and minerals that help to cope with the extra weight faster. For example:
- Vitamin C and zinc strengthen the immune system;
- Vitamin D and calcium help to cope with the effect of the plateau, where the weight is no longer falling, promote the synthesis of endorphins;
- iodine and selenium help regulate the thyroid gland;
- B vitamins and magnesium normalize the nervous system and prevent "seizing" stress;
- chromium-based drugs relieve dependence carbohydrate.
2. Change your diet
Freshen up after a high-calorie picnics and feasts are not so difficult. Often, excess weight after the holidays - it is a liquid that has accumulated due to heavy use of salt, fat, marinated food, as well as a large amount of carbohydrates.
Ambulance to the body
- Try to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions.
- Give up the sweets, pastries, cakes, chocolate, sugary juices, carbonated beverages, as well as honey. Replace them with foods which contain slow and more useful carbohydrates such as cereal porridges.
- Exclude from the diet of meals containing trans fats - margarine Palm oil. They are often part of the baking. During weight loss the liver removes from the body of harmful substances, but because of the abundance of trans fat slows down.
- Do not drink alcohol. In gram of alcohol contains 7 calories - more than in the carbohydrate and protein foods. Besides alcohol inflames the appetite.
- Restrict to 5 grams of salt per day. Reduce the use of products containing it: cheese, canned, smoked and so on.
- Include in your diet products with bran. Fiber normalizes digestion and reduces the feeling of hunger.
- Eat more low-fat protein foods, vegetables and fruits.
- Drink more water.
Do not force yourself to drink water through force. Listen to your body. The average amount of water is calculated on the basis of norms of 30 milliliters per kilogram of body weight.
Lyudmila Zhurba, chief medical officer of health and beauty center family resort Alean Family Resort & Spa Riviera 4 *
Try count caloriesThat you consume. On average, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle (for example, spends most of his time at a computer), it suffices to 1 700-1 800 kcal per day.
Last reception of a light meal should be an hour and a half before going to sleep. If dinner tight - 2-3 hours. Do not eat at night sweet: it helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. Important: try to prepare food in advance for the day ahead, that there were no desire to eat something extra, on the go.
Anna Ivashkevich, nutritionist, clinical psychologist, a nutritionist, a member of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition
Sample menu for the day
- B: 60 grams of cereal grains or flakes dry (not rapid cooking), a slice of cheese or egg (40 grams).
- Snack: fruit with a handful of nuts (not more than 10 pieces, if they are large).
- Lunch: Cooked cereal 50 grams with 150 grams of meat, poultry, fish or seafood, vegetable salad.
- Snack: plain yogurt with dried (10-20 grams).
- Dinner: omelette scrambled eggs or whole egg from one and one-two proteins with vegetables.
3. Try fasting days
They are suitable for those who have no contraindications (eg, problems with the digestive organs, diabetes, and other diseases). Be sure to consult with your doctor if in doubt about whether it is possible to arrange your body to "unload."
Irina Popova, dietician, head of advisory and diagnostic department of the Austrian health center Verba Mayr, offers the following options for handling days:
- Boil a cup of brown rice without salt, divide into six portions and eat during the day. Drink water - no less than 10 cups.
- Boil 450 grams skinless chicken or 800 grams of cod fillets. Add vegetables when you want. Divide into four meals. Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids - at least two liters of clean water per day.
It can also be a couple of times a week to cut the daily ration of 500-600 calories or eat during the day only raw vegetables. And be sure to drink clean water.
4. Remove stress
Residents of large cities experiencing constant stress, It is often "seize". In this case it is necessary to deal with the original cause, begin to live in harmony with each other and the surrounding space.
Try to keep a food diary: write down what and how much eat, communicate your diet and the need for certain products to the emotional state. This will help to better understand themselves and quickly overcome bad eating habits.
5. move more
Proper weight loss involves a slow weight loss: 3-5 kg per month. The first time the weight will not go at the expense of fat, but at the expense of water and muscle.
And if you increase physical activity, your body will become healthy and fit. Try study at home or in gymAnd discover swimmingJogging or just many go on foot.