The idea to purchase Airport It was a long time: the desire to have wireless access to large volumes of data in the home network, iridescent reviews and just a ferocious nenavis China's hand-made article levelone, served as my router and have had time to order podnadoest whims and curved configuration interface. The last straw was the fact that at one point in levelone refused one ethernet port, make it impossible to complete the work of the home network...
Describe the epic with the purchase AEBS I will not. Let me just say that to my surprise that many Russian shops sell under the guise of "extreme airport" is as old as the world model M8799, But also often accompanied by a picture of the new station from the Apple website. So be careful.
Box neat, nice (like all Apple machines), and the width and height so completely identical to Mac mini. And being put upward Minicoy looks quite organically. To such an extent that I have tried several times to put the CD into the slot on the housing airport :) Not like except that the "eye" of the LED, large enough in size and luminous orange or acid green color. After all milky tiny Mac mini or LED strip sinenkaja
Ministack I like more.The first thing svezheskonfigurirovannaya AEBS tightly hangs after reboot. So much so that attempts to reach her through the Airport Utility to three cars or attempts to revive the ways described in the documentation or to what failed. The situation was saved by rebooting with the power off (pull out the cord, then - holding the reset connect pitananie), after which station has earned a great success, although still capricious couple of times, not wanting to be configured is the one or the other cars.
Configure the network and configure access control by MAC-address adalos quickly enough using the Airport Utility, and incredibly pleased Interface utility after a nightmarish snouts levelone ascetic or web interfaces D-link. To set up the access restrictions had yet to get into the help, but otherwise my modest knowledge enough to network deployment, the whole process (including setting of connected computers and fussing with wires) took minutes 20. Another interesting feature: after changing zhelezyaku most settings, you must reboot, left without access to the network for a short time.
Collected and functioning piece of iron flawlessly running for a couple of days, however, mindful of the first negative experience I have kept the same configuration file to the local machine. Just in case :)
In the near future - a little more intense drive piece of iron on the network (currently numbering about 5 devices, including two laptops connected by wi-fi) and, most importantly, try it as a wi-fi NAS connected with an external drive. Lessons learned, of course, share :)