When to dig up dahlias and how to store them
Miscellaneous / / September 19, 2023
The main thing is to find a suitable place for the rhizomes.
When to dig up dahlias
In the northern regions, the procedure is carried out during September, in the middle zone - in the second half of October, in the south - in early November. But these are only approximate dates.
It is best to pay attention to the appearance of the plant. You should not dig up dahlias when their stems and leaves are still alive and green. Wait until the tops wither after the first light overnight frost. This “shock therapy” hardens the rhizomes, which improves their subsequent storage.
The main thing is to cope with the task approximately two weeks before the arrival of stable frosts.
How to dig up dahlias
Cut off all plant stems with sharp pruning shears, leaving “stumps” about 10–20 cm high.
Step back about 25 cm from the stems and dig up the dahlias from all sides, driving the spade point completely into the soil. After this, stick the tool under the earthen lump and remove the rhizome with rocking movements.
Use your hands to clear the rhizome of any remaining soil.
Rinse the rhizome thoroughly with water to remove soil and dirt. This can be done using a hose.
Place the rhizome in a box or other container and allow excess liquid to drain.
Turn the rhizome over with the stems down and leave it under a canopy in the shade for 2-3 days until the surface is completely dry. So, you can put dahlias in greenhouse, barn or veranda.
How to prepare dahlias for storage
Take a bag, plastic bucket or box that is suitable for the size of the rhizomes. Place dry sawdust, sand or peat at the bottom in a layer of about 20 cm, add about 3 cm of wood ash on top.
Place the dahlias on the resulting mat with the stems up in one layer.
Sprinkle the rhizomes with wood ash. This will protect them from rotting and fungal diseases that could be in the soil in garden and vegetable garden.
Add peat, sawdust or sand to the rhizomes so as to cover the stems by about 5 cm.
There is no need to tie bags or cover containers with dahlias to prevent the plants from rotting during storage.
How to store dahlias
The optimal temperature for wintering rhizomes is from 2 to 12 degrees. The room where dahlias are stored should be dry and dark. In such conditions flowers will wait for spring. It is best to place them in a basement or cellar. But you can also keep rhizomes in an apartment - for example, on a glassed-in balcony or in a vestibule.
Small tubers can be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. When storing on a balcony, monitor the air temperature. If it drops below zero, cover containers with dahlias with warm blankets or move them indoors for a while until the frost subsides.
The winter is coming🌺🍁🍠
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