I think, all already know that intimate photographs began to appear on September 1 night on the Internet from compromised celebrity accounts. It hypes up, of course, is big enough, and all the newswires were full of colorful headlines and photographs of naked girls. We, on the other hand, I would like to convey to our readers a few simple tips to help protect your account from hacking. and will be discussed below on these methods.
What is "cloud"?
To begin, let's look at what exactly are the iCloud. After all, most likely, many do not even think about its purpose (and some - even the existence). iCloud - is 5 GB of free storage space for your photos, videos, documents, applications, and various data backup, which is located on Apple's servers. It is through this "cloud" synchronize your notes, applications, settings and more between your Apple-devices. In this case iCloud - this is your personal piece of hard disk space in the data center of the company from Cupertino. The service works on all Apple (iOS, OS X) products and Windows (limited). iCloud is somewhat different from other cloud-based solutions that can not directly copy the information to a specific folder sync files to your device, but after a couple of weeks, with the release of OS X Yosemite, the situation is a bit different, as the system will support
iCloud Drive - a logical continuation and improved iCloud service.Security
Of course, many may begin to be sarcastic about it, however, if we look back a little and look at the development of cloud computing (and general development of network security and the personal data of users), the service from Apple has stood for a long time, given its long-standing appearance. When viewed as a whole, hacking exposed to an overwhelming amount of different services and projects. Recall at least recent history with the Twitter account of the Prime Minister of Russia. And that week been hacking, Sony (PlayStation Network segment). Fortunately, nothing serious happened, but users are still remembered big trick of hackers in 2011, when, after hacking Server companies from Japan have been stolen by a huge number of not only the data of user accounts, but also information on credit maps. From what we can make a simple conclusion: the crack can be everything.
iCloud Account Protection
First it is necessary to reiterate the main ways to protect iCloud account (and any other):
- invent long and complex passwords;
- passwords are required to use the letters mixed case, numbers, and symbols;
- Do not use the same password for different sites. One site - one password. The popular app can act as an assistant 1PasswordIf you can not remember all of your passwords. (Or not to speak)
- use two-factor authentication.
- remember to change their passwords from sites and services.
Configuring two-factor authentication iCloud
So, we ended up with the theory and go directly to the account set up for its better protection. The entire process consists of just a few simple steps:
1. Go to the website of "Moi Apple ID" link https://appleid.apple.com/ru/account/home
2. On the right side of the screen click on the "Manage Apple ID".
3. Enter your username and password that correspond to your Apple ID.
4. Select "Password and Security" on the left side of the screen and clicking on the button "Start", then follow the prompts site. Add a backup email address and answer the questions of the system.
5. Wait. Configuring two-factor authentication will be available only after 3 days.
The essence of such an authorization is simple enough: you need to add one or more trusted devices that are always with you and are able to receive SMS messages. After switching on two-factor authentication, any action with your account (change credentials purchase application store, etc.) must be supported by a four-digit code, which will come to an authorized device. For more information you can read in The official guide Apple.
What if you broke?
If your account is subjected to hacker attack, when you change the password to your email comes about that message. Immediately change your password to your email account, restore the old password on the account, check the Windows and Android-smartphone for the presence of viruses (You can even Mac) And if you have problems, contact Apple Support.
In any case, you need to understand the main thing: from hacking your account is safe absolutely no one. Even if you follow all the necessary precautions loophole to crack can be found, if not you personally, on the company's servers. Against hacker attacks is not protected by a 100% no. Nonetheless, invent complex passwords, use two-factor authentication and synchronize their intimate photos with clouds. And this applies not only to iCloud.
If you have something to add, feel free to email your tips in the comments!