How to survive growth spurts in children
Miscellaneous / / August 05, 2023
It turns out that the baby turns into a thundercloud on its own schedule.
What are growth spurts in children
A growth spurt is a period of accelerated development of an infant's brain. Children are growing as if in jerks: yesterday he was looking at the ceiling, and today he is smiling and cooing. But these jerks are hard for the immature nervous system, therefore they are accompanied by violent emotions. This makes them easy to spot from the outside. So the researchers deduced the average periods when the baby's brain suddenly discovers something new in the structure of the world.
Initial growth spurts discovered anthropologists when observing chimpanzee. It turned out that from time to time the cubs literally hang on the mother's chest, as if some kind of rollback or regression is taking place. After a while, everything returns to normal. And a few weeks later it happens again.
The researchers decided that perhaps this is also characteristic of other primates. Similar periods have been found in gorillas and orangutans. And, of course, they began to study the person. It turned out that children also become moody and clingy at the same time, followed by a developmental leap.
Critics of this theory They saythat it is impossible to unify all babies in this way. All children are different, and it is impossible to accurately calculate the period of growth. But even if this is true, there is nothing wrong with the theory.
Being a parent is very difficult. And one of the most difficult things is the chaos around.
You are no longer able to plan anything, because at any moment something unexpected can happen. For example, yesterday the baby slept all night, and today at three in the morning you are holding an inconsolable zucchini in a diaper, which is already blue from screamingbut you have no idea what upset him. Or you have been leaving your child with your grandmother for two months to go to work, but for the last week he literally hangs on his leg and does not allow you to leave the apartment, although nothing has changed around.
Knowing about growth spurts gives us the illusion that we are aware of what we are doing.
What are the symptoms of a growth spurt
jump consists of from two stages. For the first few days or weeks, the child screaming, is naughty, wants to constantly sit on her hands and refuses to make contact. Sleep may worsen and appetite may change. This is the reaction of the nervous system to new information for which he was not ready.
And then there comes a bright period: new knowledge is learned, it is time to study the next skill.
When growth spurts occur
It seems that one jump flows into another and there are no bright spots, but everything is not so scary.
First jump - 4th - 6th week
The very first developmental leap tied with a sharp formation of the senses. It seems that the child had previously been as if focused within himself - and suddenly turned around to the world. Parents may notice that newborn becomes more interested in the environment. It turns out that there are many other things besides mom around. The abundance of information scares, so he is nervous. And the only way he can express emotions is by screaming.
Second jump - 8-10 weeks
Exploring the world continues. The child notes to himself some patterns. Therefore, he is interested when relatives carry him around the house and introduce him to the surrounding objects over and over again. He also notices his hands or already even his legs and tries to do some directional movements, but so far very awkward. He learns to control the muscles of his face and communicate in this way, tries to make sounds and looks at the reaction.
All this is great, but it is still difficult for the nervous system, so the child again becomes capricious and requires more attention.
Third Leap - Weeks 11-12
World becomes whole, and not made up of individual items. The child begins to notice smooth transitions: for example, the light is off - the light is on, or the movement of an object. When he gets used to it, he will try to control the movements and voice. Actions will become more even and more likely to have some purpose.
During this period, the child should be allowed to touch various objects, show and name what is around.
Fourth Leap - Weeks 14-20
In the world of a baby appear events. For example, if you turn on the light after sleep, then they will take food now. Or if mom says:Ladushki', she will clap her hands. And not all events are subordinate to the child, which is very frustrating.
Fifth Leap - Weeks 22-26
A very important jump: all coincidences, movements and events turn out interconnected. There is a relationship between them. For example, you can put a cube on a cube, hide one after another, put them side by side, and so on.
Part of the relationship between objects is distance. The worst thing is that the understanding of the distance to the mother comes. If she even just leaves the room, then she is no longer around. Is it dangerous. Therefore, during this period, the child desperately needs a mother nearby. Dad, grandmothers and other relatives are also important, but they are less likely to become the "master adult" during this time.
Playing peek-a-boo helps convince your child that you are still around. So the baby understands that even if there is no mother nearby, she will definitely appear.
Sixth Leap - Weeks 33-38
Everything in the world is possible divide on the category. Some things make the same sounds, look the same, or taste the same. To find out, everything must be touched and dragged into the mouth. So let the child experiment and sort things, give these groups names: heavy, light, wet, and so on.
The category “ours” appears, and all other people are outside families turn out to be "strangers". Therefore, the baby becomes more shy and wary.
Seventh Leap - Weeks 41-47
Child studies sequences. For example, eating porridge is to take a spoon, lower it into a plate, scoop up the contents, bring it to your mouth and swallow it. After that, he will become much more active and will constantly try to learn some new things. sequences: watch how objects fit together, try to insert one into another or connect them and etc.
Leap Eight - Weeks 51-54
The child is one year old. From sequences formed skills. He also learns that the same goal can be reached using different sequences.
And he will decide to become independent and will try to copy your actions. As far as he understands it. For example, if you take a brush and brush it over a dirty plate, this is washing dishes.
Ninth Leap - Weeks 59-65
Appear principles and opinion. The child gets angry if something goes against his plans, and defends his position very noisily. Now he wants to do everything on his own, but does not know how. Swears if something does not come out. Checks borders permitted and monitors the reaction of parents, looks at how consistent they are. As a result, he learns to think ahead, reflect, consider the consequences of his actions, make plans and compare them with each other.
Leap Ten - Weeks 70-75
Child comes to the fact that he is a separate person, like mom, dad and others. He has interests, likes and dislikes. He knows what he wants to do, understands how to achieve a result and what the consequences may be. If in a year he moved wherever his eyes look, then in a year and a half he has a clear route and task.
How to help your child during a growth spurt
Take a deep breath. The growth spurt is terrible. You don't get enough sleep and you're constantly being yelled at. But rememberthat the child does this not out of malice, but out of great love. You are the closest person for the baby, so with you he feels the freedom to express emotions. Now he is very ill, his brain is overloaded. So he climbs on his hands, he wants more apply to the chest and often screams. He just doesn't understand what happened, and he really wants to be back in the safety that you give him.
Try not to take this time to heart: the stage will pass, and you will again enjoy communication. Hug more often, hold in your arms, apply to your chest and soothe. Speak in a gentle voice that you understand him and you are there. This will help your nervous system process new information faster.
Be sure to ask for help and involve loved ones. This is a very difficult period, and no one should deal with it on their own. Moreover, it is useful for a child to build relationships with dad and other family members.
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