9 reasons to become a blood donor
Miscellaneous / / April 20, 2023
Or at least think about it on National Donor Day.
1. Donation is a free mini-examination
Potential donor is required inspect, his blood pressure is measured, a clinical blood test is done. And after 4 months, the person who shared it is tested for infections such as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.
If you usually see a GP infrequently, your doctor may find some signs of a medical problem during your pre-donation checkup. healthsuch as high blood pressure or symptoms of atrial fibrillation. Ultimately, this information can save your life.
Also, sometimes during the examination, the donor learns about his rare blood type. This can be useful in preparation for surgery or in an emergency.
2. Donation promotes heart and vascular health
Donating blood at least once a year reduces 88% risk of heart attack.
The fact is that the likelihood of blockage of blood vessels increases if the blood becomes too thick. This happens because of the high hemoglobin and excess iron. When we donate blood, we lose both the liquid part - plasma, and cells. But plasma regenerates faster than red blood cells, so the blood becomes thinner and a heart attack less likely.
3. Donation reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms
The likelihood of developing cancer is palpable decreases in donors with blood diseases and some pathologies of peripheral arteries.
For example, in hemochromatosis, the body accumulates too much iron in the skin, heart, liver, pancreas, pituitary gland and joints. In this amount, it becomes toxic and, over time, can damage tissues and organs and lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, heart problems and other complications.
When donating, iron is lost, which is included in hemoglobin, so the load on the body decreases.
4. Donation replaces training
For one change a person loses about 500 kilocalories is almost an hour jog. So on this day, you can skip the usual workout with a clear conscience.
5. Donation improves blood formation
When blood is taken, the body immediately begins replenish lost. Plasma volume is restored in 48 hours, and lost cells are reproduced in one to two months after donation.
Updated erythrocytes they carry oxygen better, so the body performs its functions more efficiently and stays healthy longer.
6. Donation is an extra holiday
Working donors can add up to two days of paid leave per donation.
According to Article 186 of the Labor Code, such a person freed up from official duties on the day of donation, after which he is entitled to one more, additional day of rest. If you do not exercise this right immediately after delivery, then the vacation can be extended by two days - by agreement with employer and provided that you are not engaged in harmful or dangerous work.
If you donated blood during your annual paid vacation, on a weekend or non-working holiday, then you will also have two days off.
Donor holidays must be used within 12 months of the procedure.
7. Donations are perks
If you many years gratuitously donate blood, you can become an honorary donor. To do this, you need to submit:
- whole blood - 40 or more times;
- plasma - 60 or more times;
- whole blood and plasma - 40 times, but so that there are at least 25 whole blood donations;
- whole blood and plasma - 60 times if whole blood donations are less than 25.
Honorary donors have the right to:
- for extraordinary medical care under compulsory medical insurance;
- provision of an annual paid holidays at a convenient time of the year for them;
- priority acquisition at the place of work or study of preferential vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment;
- an annual cash payment, the amount of which depends on the region.
8. Donation is a happier and longer life
Donations are made by people who want to help near. And altruism and volunteering reduce the risk of depression and generally prolong life.
Sara Vossogi
Associate Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology at CUMC, Deputy Head of Transfusion at New York-Presbyterian Hospital.
Donating blood is a way to get directly involved in society and help those around you. People who participate in this way in their community tend to be in better health and live longer.
The Blood Service also reports that regular donors on average live for 5 years longer.
9. Donation saves lives
This is the most important reason. Only in the USA every 2 seconds someone need to transfusion. It's about:
- about those in need of elective operations - several units of blood are prepared before the intervention;
- about those injured in emergency situations - for one person involved in a car accident, up to 100 units of blood may be required;
- about those who are being treated for oncological ailments - sometimes transfusions are needed daily during chemotherapy;
- about people with blood disorders - for example, sickle cell anemia may require lifelong transfusions.
If you donate blood, it will definitely come in handy: one donation can save up to three people.