Super Mario Bros. Movie is the highest-grossing video game adaptation
Miscellaneous / / April 10, 2023
In its opening weekend, the film grossed almost three times as much as the new John Wick.
Cartoon "Super Mario Bros. Movie" was released last week and has already set several box office records. By data Deadline, on the evening of April 9, international fees amounted to 377.2 million dollars, at home - more than 146 million in the first weekend alone.
This means that the movie based on Super Mario Bros. passed the second "Sonic the Movie" and became the highest-grossing video game film adaptation in the United States for the first weekend. It is also the most powerful start for 2023. For comparison: the fourth "John Wick" has international fees for the first weekend amounted to $137.5 million.
The impressive box office was influenced by the fact that the film is available in 3D, IMAX and other premium formats - they account for 38% of all tickets sold. IMAX CEO Reel Gelfond noted that Super Mario Bros. Movie is the highest-grossing animated film, bringing the company $21.6 million worldwide.
It is not yet known whether Super Mario Bros. Movie will be released in Russia, like the same John Wick 4. You can learn more about the cartoon (without spoilers!) at Leichfaker's review.