Tomorrow Apple will introduce a new version of its operating system - Mac OS X Mavericks. Soon she had become available in the Mac App Store and download it anyone can. If you are still thinking, it is necessary to download a new version of the OS or not, we suggest you read about the key changes and make a decision.
All the features that will be discussed below, does not have any priority in front of each other and do not go in descending order.
So, let's begin.
1. Appearance and Performance
The design was changed so dramatically as the transition to iOS 7, but some features of the present. Basically we redrew some icons, which is not so noticeable. Where there is more than the total increase in performance. System and before that was very fast, but with the arrival of Mavericks it has become even more sympathetic. Immediately obvious that to optimize worked hard.
2. new applications
Among the available "out of the box" programs in the older operating system of iOS 7 moved "Maps" and "iBooks". book reader application does not differ from the version in the i-gadgets and synchronized with them - there's nothing new has happened. Much more interesting cards and their synchronization. On Mavericks, you can create a route on which are going to go, and send this data to their iPhone. Now create a route to the desired destination has become easier and faster.
3. Safari
The new version of the browser has also become faster; pages load instantly. Navigation has become even easier mainly because of the converted tabs "Top Sites", though its many and criticized, but it is rather used to it.
4. Keychain - Keychain
All fans to keep their passwords on sites dedicated. Extremely handy feature for saving passwords on sites in iCloud cloud, of course, with synchronization between devices. You do not have to drive long and complicated passwords to Mobile Safari - everything is stored in the desktop version, automatically will be substituted in the version for iOS.
6. Tabs in Finder
What many have been waiting long enough. In the new version of the Finder can now create tabs in Safari. Even the new tab is opened the same keyboard shortcut Cmd + T.
Frankly, the dubious pleasure. After the transition from Win to Mac OS, it was uncomfortable, but over time it became customary. Now I do not see much need for this function. But once people greeted her so warmly - it means really need.
7. Tags in the Finder
Another feature that has pleased millions of users Mac OS. Now, for example, it can be noted in blue all the video and then open the full list in the relevant category Finder`a. Tag names can be changed on their own, and for files to assign several different tags.
8. Energy savings
To optimize worked on glory. This is evident not only on the performance of the system, but also its battery life. Of course, this applies mostly to laptops. On my MacBook Air 11 "(2013) was the battery to hold a charge for 2-3 hours more, depending on the load. None laptop before this could not boast of such energy conservation. And with the advent Mavericks this figure only grew.
These energy-saving results - credit technology Timer Coalescing, which can be grouped low-level operations, whereby the CPU can frequently go into sleep mode, thereby reducing power usage.
9. notification center
there was a response function in the new version of the MC. Now when you receive a message not have to open iMessage, and to drive back the answer. You can reply to the message directly in the pop-up notification, which is very convenient. Similarly, you can answer the call without using the application itself. What is interesting - it works not only in standard applications from Apple, but also, for example, in to Skype.
10. Social networks
The integration of social networks in the new operating system has become even closer. For example, there was integration with LinkedIn, as well as with Gmail, Vimeo, Flickr, Facebook and Twitter. In addition, when rassharivaniya any content, for example, in Twitter, - window with sending tweets become more informative. From now on you can not only share certain images or articles, but also to add a comment.
11. Special characters and emoticons
Get to them has now become much easier. In anywhere in the system by pressing a combination of Cmd + Ctrl + Blank panel pops with emoticons and special characters.
12. Turn off display
Now turn off the display on the MacBook can be briefly pressing the power button. Earlier this key to shutdown / reboot the notebook menu.
Of course, this is not all the changes and additions to the Mavericks (in fact there are many more), but it seems to me, the most significant. On the whole, the update can be considered successful. I would certainly not abandoned the design changes in the style of iOS 7 and better integration of the two systems, but it probably will happen only in version XI Mac OS.
And for those who have already been updated, I want to ask the question: how do you think, if the update is successful happened? What would you like to see new or, on the contrary, it seemed odd?