Unusual office hacks to increase productivity
Tips Productivity / / December 19, 2019
In this article you will learn about unusual office hacks to improve performance, for which you did not pay attention. Perhaps some of them even seem strange to you, but they are all based on scientific research.
Carrots and sticks from the authorities - is quite effective methods to improve performance. But sometimes they are not able to raise the concentration to the required level. What to do? How to recharge your brain? In this article you will learn about unusual office hacks to improve performance, for which you did not pay attention. Perhaps some of them even seem strange to you, but they are all based on scientific research.
Fill out the office space plants
Can herbs to increase productivity? Yes. This state of a number of studies. Office plants are part of the Theory of the restoration of attention, developed by psychologists at Michigan State University. According to the theory, the brain, concentrate on demanding tasks requiring regular breaks. Plants and other greens can fill in the gaps, becoming reducing the impetus for the further work of the brain.
The conclusions of several studies of American scientists say that the subjects were able to more clearly think and remember a large amount of information, when nearby jobs were green plants. The proximity to nature, even if it is only a view from the window, helps a person to freshen up, recover and return to work.
More yellow around
Yellow, became the companion of your office will help to concentrate. Sunny color reduces the production of melatonin, a hormone that causes drowsiness.
Yellow objects and furniture around the workplace will help to maintain vigilance and alertness, which in turn will improve your productivity.
Sunflower and other yellow flowers - the perfect combination of the two above tips.
Add some noise
Instead of working behind closed doors, try to do things in a cafe on a busy street. It may sound paradoxical, but the human brain actually receives support from a small background noise.
Researchers from the University of Illinois have come to the conclusion that the ambient noise level of 70 decibels increases productivity in comparison with complete silence. Thus, the street noise can increase your efficiency.
Mimishnosti little before my eyes
The next time the boss catch you watching photos of cute young animals, explain to him that by doing so you improve your performance. And you can refer to the Japanese scientists from the University of Hiroshima. According to them, the pleasant associations with nice view images actually increase the concentration of humans. Participants in the study improved their performance in the attention activity to 44%.
So, feel free to enjoy the photos of ducklings. Do not forget about the color of their color, combining khaki together. Note selfie-duck the ladies here are not suitable.
Set a comfortable temperature
Everyone familiar with the situation, in which the fused or frostbitten brain refused to work. Scientific validity of personal feelings add scientists at Cornell University. Conclusions of their research suggests that office workers make 44% more errors, if the air temperature is 20 ° C instead of the optimal 25. Debilitating heat or ice box will not allow to focus on anything other than your discomfort.
If the central heating or air conditioning system is not able to provide a comfortable working environment, bring your own device, such as a fan or a heater. Correct temperature creates a good mood to perform tasks.
Do not forget to take a nap
A properly designed nap leads to a feeling of freshness and fullness of power. The key point is to calculate the optimal time for a nap. Normally, this is just a standard lunch hour workday. Favor of breaks sleep realizes a growing number of employers, providing room to relax its employees. It is not necessary to spend free time after a hearty lunch on useless toys, throw yourself into the arms of Morpheus, your productivity will improve significantly.
And what personal hacks you can share with readers Layfhakera?