What happens if a man takes birth control
Miscellaneous / / April 04, 2023
The effect depends on the amount, but the benefit is not to be expected.
What are birth control pills made of?
Birth control pills contain1. Combined pill / NHS
2. The progestogen-only pill / NHS female sex hormones - progesterone or progesterone and estrogen. They change the natural hormonal balance so that there is no ovulation. They also thicken the mucus in the cervix. Therefore, even if the egg can mature, the sperm will not get to it.
Although hormones are female, men also have them in small amounts. They necessary 1. M. Oettel, A. K. Mukhopadhyay. Progesterone: the forgotten hormone in men? / The Aging Male
2. R. A. Hess, P. S. cookie. Estrogen in the male: a historical perspective / Biology of Reproduction for testosterone production and sperm maturation.
As with any hormonal drugs, contraceptives There isAND. AND. Baranov. Combined oral contraceptives: principles of individual selection, prevention of unwanted pregnancy and possible side effects, therapeutic and prophylactic effect / BC. mother and child
long list of side effects, from nausea to life-threatening thrombosis. Although they are quite rare if you take medications on the advice of a doctor.What happens if a man accidentally takes a birth control pill
If a healthy adult male takes one or two pills, nothing will not happenWhat happens if a guy takes birth control? / Planned Parenthood. The amount of hormones in contraceptives is too small to have an effect on the male body. Even if you experience side effects, they will be minimal.
However, no pills should be taken out of curiosity and without a doctor's prescription.
What happens if a man constantly takes birth control pills
It seems that taking birth control could make a man more feminine, but it's not. In these pills, the concentration of hormones is ten times less than in those used by doctors for feminizing hormone therapy, so there will be no sense from them. But the risk of health problems due to side effects will increase.
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