Let me know: if you could spend an evening with a dead person, who would you invite?
Miscellaneous / / June 20, 2022
Imagine that the service "Reincarnation for an hour" is available to you.
«Let me know” is a rubric for the stories of our readers. Every week we launch a survey and look forward to your comments. The most interesting of them end up in articles and collections. This time we offer not the simplest and most familiar topic for reflection.
In the first season of "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" there is an episode in which the main character receives the "Reincarnation" service as a gift. Allegedly on Halloween, the border between the worlds becomes thinner, and people can meet with deceased relatives or deceased celebrities.
Sabrina chooses to date her own grandmother, who died shortly before her granddaughter's 16th birthday. According to the plot, they are given an hour to communicate. During this time, the young witch shares her teenage experiences and reveals that she has magical powers.
We invite you to dream up: if the Reincarnation service were available to you, with whom would you like to spend an hour-long date? Would that be your relative? Or a well-known scientist with whom you personally would like to discuss his theory? Or maybe you would be interested in talking with a popular musician in the past? What would you talk about? Tell!
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