What is productivity dysmorphia and how to deal with it
Miscellaneous / / April 23, 2022
If you have ever thought that you did nothing even though you worked hard, you know that feeling.
More and more terms are emerging to describe our attitude to work, such as “impostor syndrome” or “burnout”. “Productivity dysmorphia” is another new concept. It explains why you are unhappy with your results, even when others are sure that you are doing everything right.
How productivity dysmorphia manifests itself
Imagine that you are the manager of a coffee shop. In one working day, you sent all orders to suppliers, cleaned all coffee machines, launched a new advertising campaign, made a schedule for all employees for the next month and responded to each message. In this hypothetical scenario, you did a great job - you completed all the tasks and were attentive to the wishes of the staff. Then why do you feel like you haven't done enough and generally failed on all fronts? The answer is simple - productivity dysmorphia.
This feeling is at the crossroads of anxiety, impostor syndrome and burnout. And, according to the book's co-author,
burnout» Amelia Nagoski, is probably one of the key features of the latter. Productivity dysmorphia prevents us from noticing our successes. “This happens because our body is under stress for too long. Once it becomes chronic, we stop seeing the big picture.” explainsDo I Have Productivity Dysmorphia? /Refinery29 Amelia Nagoski.How to deal with productivity dysmorphia
Make to-do lists
The main key to combating productivity dysmorphia is realizing that you reach your goals and do a good job. Sometimes this requires seeing your progress on paper. So make regular to-do lists and don't be alarmed if they get longer and longer. Mark the completion of each task, and gradually you will be able to cross out all the points.
Seeing your small victories is very important. At the end of the day, even if you only managed to cross off half of the tasks from the list, you will notice how much you have done. If at this stage you still feel like you haven't done enough, don't worry. Focus on what happened and remind yourself that this is a very good result.
Many of us work in an ever-changing environment: a few days at the office, a few days at home. At the same time, personal experiences also affect our productivity. Recording will help you figure out how comfortable you feel with your current workload and whether you are overworking yourself.
Listen for positive feedback
The next time you receive a message thanking you for a job well done, don't say "No problem." Stop for a second and think about this feedback. Very often we don't notice pleasant comments because we are too busy with work. Don't let the positivity pass you by. This is what productivity dysmorphia achieves.
Create a special folder on your phone or computer with screenshots of positive reviews and add there any nice messages from chief, colleagues or even friends.
Don't rely entirely on someone else's approval. Just remind yourself often that others appreciate your work and notice its results.
Rethink your relationship with productivity
Productivity dysmorphia also affects us outside of work. Let's say you planned to go to the gym every day, and at the end of the week you have so much work that you missed the last class. This makes you feel like a failure. But this is not true. After all, you went to the gym the previous six days. One pass does not nullify the efforts made earlier. We all get tired.
Try to rethink what productivity is for you. Of course, completing all the tasks, finding time for a hobby or the gym is very productive. But rest too. Such a reboot is needed for the brain and body to achieve more in the future and reduce the risk of burnout. Treat everything, including rest, as another step towards productivity.
Your achievements do not define you as a person. You determine your own victories. You are so much more than the tasks you complete on time, the number of your social media followers, or the money you earn. And that's good news, because you're doing a lot no matter what your productivity dysmorphia tells you.
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