Only a year has passed since then, Apple started to promote their player, iPod touch as a gaming console. Although this particular advertising device is not terminated, the people, are poorly responsive to it. In the current holiday season, which is just around the corner, iPod touch, of course, will be very popular. But when it comes to portable gaming gadgets, the children keep asking about the PSP Go and Nintendo DSi are designed specifically for gaming. That is, if in Cupertino really want to conquer the market for portable gaming devices, as his time was conquered the smartphone market, we will have a lot to do.
And what is most interesting - some analysts They believe that the iPod Touch will bring the gaming industry more trouble than profit. The fact that Apple tends to lower prices for their devices, - says one expert Michael Pachter (Michael Pachter), - if the player now costs $ 200, then the next year the price probably will fall to $ 149, and a year later - before $129. And as for the Touch will ask for $ 99, he must appear in every child.
And then it will affect the new pricing model - the most games in the App Store cost up to $ 6.99, whereas on other platforms, the regular price - it's $ 20. Accordingly, publishers will receive less income and less to invest in the further development.
Another problem lies in the fact that it is unclear how to behave in a new audience. Pachter sure that Apple will do anything to keep her at home, so that young gamers are unlikely to want to switch to other platforms.