Lunch at the office: + microwave egg
Tips / / December 19, 2019
This post is dedicated to those who are tired of chewing on sandwiches and drinking instant soups in the office during those periods when there is no time to standard access to the park and lunch at the cafe. By the time it will take up to 5 minutes, but you can meet and just 2.
All you need is a raw egg, a cup and saucer or Pialat that can be put in the microwave and water. Optional: Various spices and vinegar. A huge plus - the absence of annoying smells!
You remember that the dishes should be no iron, no metallic parts and without a pattern with the addition of gold or silver paint?
So, take a bowl or cup, add 1/3 cup of water, carefully to smash an egg on top and cover with a saucer (I did it without saucer). The water can be added a couple drops of vinegar, if not very fresh egg - it reduces the spreading of the protein when added to the bowl of water. Then it all depends on your microwave. In principle, for the preparation of eggs in smyatku you will need about 60 seconds at a power of 80%. That is, if you have the option "10 seconds", "30 seconds", "more than 10 minutes" or something like that, it is necessary to start to try to cook for 30 seconds, then try 60 seconds. The finished egg carefully removing using two spoons or simply merge water. Add salt to taste and add seasonings.
If you overdo it - it can burst and then your dinner will be spread over all the microwave. Retrieved on their own experience. If all do things right, you get both the photos to a post. Even this dish can vary from eggs in smyatku to eggs or omelets Kurt! I got something in between "in smyatku" and "vkurutuyu". And one more nuance - yolk cook more quickly than protein.
Good appetite!