10 ways to get romance back in a relationship
Miscellaneous / / November 18, 2021
A too calm life is diversified by frank conversations, aimless walks, experiments in bed and more.
Even the most amazing relationships turn into a routine over time. It seems as if the candy-bouquet period is forever in the past and will never return.
Experts point out that such changes are absolutely natural. There is nothing wrong with a relationship that becomes more calm and measured. Bachelor of Psychology and Sociology Professor Terry Orbuch calls10 Ways to Be More Romantic In a Relationship / Brides it's partner love. It’s this feeling that keeps people together.
But if you still want to return to the former unpredictability and romance, start with 10 steps.
1. Talk to your partner
Long conversations and discussions are rarely associated with romance. However, honest dialogue about what you are missing and how you are feeling can save a couple when the relationship is at an impasse.
Terry Orbuch advises to talk about what meaning each of the couple puts into the concept of "romance". Such a conversation will remind you that only you and your loved one are responsible for the quality of the relationship, which means that it is in your power to return passion and spark to them.
2. Start small
Even small gestures and expressions of affection can take a romantic connection to the next level.
Kiss and hug your partner as you leave for work and return home. Get in the habit of having dinner together and telling each other about your day. Tell your loved one more often what you are grateful for and what you like about him. If you leave for work earlier in the morning, leave a candid note on your bedside table. Flirt on messengers during the day.
Mutual gratitude and appreciation is the best foundation for a happy relationship.
3. Go back in time
Memories of tender, sensual and just happy moments spent together help to get closer. Find on the shelf an old valentine that your partner gave you sometime ago. Reread the correspondence of the first days. Check out photos from your wedding, honeymoon, or other travels.
All this can be done together and spend time hugging each other, recalling interesting stories from life together. Such an evening will help you get out of the routine and give a second wind to the relationship.
4. Repeat romantic moments
After you remember the past, move one step further - repeat the brightest and most beautiful moments.
Go with your partner to where you met, or recreate your first date. Most likely, you will experience pleasant nostalgia and the same trembling, which was felt when everything was just beginning.
5. Pay attention to your partner
Over time, we are sucked in by work, household chores and daily stress - and we forget about our loved one. This is one of the biggest mistakes in relationships. Especially when you have children.
Whatever chaos is happening around, remember to hug and be interested in each other's affairs when you meet at home after a hard day. This behavior will help maintain a reverent relationship and become a good example for your children, because it is important for them to see a warm bond between parents.
6. Stay yourself
To bring romance back, you don't have to focus solely on the person you love. It is equally important to pay attention to yourself. Many people lose themselves in a relationship and become what their partner wants them to be. Don't fall into this trap and keep your best interests in mind.
When you are confident and do what you love, you have much more energy and desire to work on relationships. Plus, by being yourself, you will retain the mystery that fuels a romantic connection. Your loved one will surely notice how deep and versatile you are and how much he still has to learn about you.
7. Make a wish list
To avoid a chore, start keeping a list of things you want to do in the next few years with your loved one. Maybe skydive, take a car trip, or learn to ride on a pad.
Do not write down your own desires, but add to the list only what you would like to do together. Drawing up such a kind of map of desires will bring romance and positiveness to life together. This will bring you closer, even if you don't complete all of the points on your list.
8. Diversify your everyday life
If adventure isn't enough for you, come up with ideas for quirky and extreme dates. We often give up spontaneity and fun adventures in favor of stability. And in vain. After all, it is they who add romance to the relationship.
Try climbing, river rafting, hot air ballooning, or tango lessons. Any activity you can do together that will increase your adrenaline levels and get you out of your comfort zone will do.
If you do not like extreme sports, arrange a small quest or treasure hunt for yourself with your partner based on your relationship. You will definitely remember such a date for a long time.
9. Take a break from everyday life
In the early days of your relationship, you probably traveled to new places every weekend, strolling aimlessly and enjoying each other. Gradually, these two days of rest were filled with household chores, and now you no longer remember the last time you were only alone.
Try to set aside time and "get lost" on the streets of the city with your loved one. If you have children, take them to grandparents or hire a nanny for a few hours. Don't make plans - just wander through the parks and alleys and discover new unusual places.
10. Try new things in sex
Over time, the amount of sex in relationships decreases.Sexual Shifts / Zavamed. And that's okay. The good news is that it is not difficult to diversify intimate moments and return to them the former spark.
First try new poses, places and even time of day. If you are used to having sex exclusively in the bedroom and only after 21:00, do it in the bathroom at 15:00.
Don't forget about surprises and pleasant surprises, such as a spontaneous romantic evening with a sequel. These moments will bring energy back into your sex life and your relationship in general.
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