Time management: method of "Swiss cheese"
Tips / / December 19, 2019
One problem with the mouse and keyboard of civilian workers is to plan their working time. Sometimes it can take several days, including at night, and sometimes instead of working, you read the newsletter, Chatting and do a lot more totally unrelated to the affairs. In the first case you find yourself exhausted, in the second - do not have time to deliver the work on time.
And here we come to the aid of the Swiss with their sharp graphics and tasty name "Swiss cheese method".
"Hidden threat"
So, if you are new to freelancing, the first stage of "pleasure" when you take up all the projects with enviable enthusiasm and vigor, may contain hidden dangers. The two main problems that may arise:
problem №1. No matter how you tried, but having loaded a large amount of work, you will make mistakes. It may be a typo in the text, some broken links in the design, etc. Whatever you do, no matter how hard, with so much work, you just can not do it at the highest level. As a result, customers are unhappy with the results and your reputation comes under a serious blow.
№2 problem. It is easy enough (and so tempting) to avoid work-related sales (promotion) projects, you are required to do every week (if not daily), when your day is filled with paid work customers. But the pending case is not going away, and accumulate behind your back. And sooner or later, this work needs to be done.
Leave your working schedule some "holes"
Let's suppose that you took up the project on which to work until the completion of three days. You can paint the days for this project from Monday to Wednesday, and can deliver on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (this may be not only days but weeks and months for larger projects).
Instead of promise to the customer to complete the project in three days, arrange for five days. You may be a strong temptation to finish the job in three days, and take up a new project, but should still try to overcome itself and schedule similar to Swiss cheese.
1. You can respond more flexibly to new opportunities. If on the same day you will be offered another project, you can start it on Tuesday, not Thursday (if the promised first customer to complete the project well in 3 days, and finish it on Wednesday). If this is your new client, you courted for a long time and he's finally matured to work with you, why make him wait? too, is put in the schedule a few "holes" to work on the second project.
2. The rest of the clients do not become hostages of the first project. You can alternate between them as if they are strung like beads on a necklace. You finish projects turn into blocks of time, which follow each other. And even if you're stuck with the project №1, you will still be able to finish it in one of the "holes" in your schedule.
3. The quality of your work will improve. If you have a day between making something and reviewing it, you can look at a project with fresh eyes and to polish the details, cut off the excess.
4. If the "hole" in your cheese is not filled with paid work, you can use the time usefully. Deal with sales, think about new and interesting ideas for projects to do the paper work, etc.
And, of course, everyone has had clients whose projects have to be ready as soon as possible, and you do not have time for anything else. Do not let them keep you in constant tension and trouble at any time of the day. For any work can find a calm and rational approach. Even a small surcharge for urgency will not compensate you your nerves and energy spent on this project.
Application of the method of "Swiss cheese", promises that in time you will learn how to plan open blocks in your schedule, will respond to clients faster, do the job better and protect their nerves.