5 "disadvantages" of appearance, which do not have to be hidden
A Life / / January 06, 2021
1. Skin features
The standard of beauty is clean, smooth, uniform skin - as if after filters in a photo editor. But for ordinary people, it is most often far from ideal. On the face and body, they may have:
- acne;
- freckles;
- moles;
- vitiligo;
- birthmarks and age spots;
- rosacea;
- scars.
Society has learned to treat some of these features more or less calmly - for example, moles, vitiligo or freckles (the latter are in trend almost every year). But some people still consider people with acne to be almost lepers. And it is this problem that skin-positiveIt's great we’re all embracing body positivity now, but what about our skin bloggers and influencers.
Acne is a medical condition that affectsA Global Perspective on the Epidemiology of Acne almost a tenth of the world's population and is associated with excess production of sebum - sebum.
And although it takes a lot of time, effort and money to fight itGlobal Acne Market Report for 2016‑2026, people with inflammation of the face are accused of laziness, neglect and lack of hygiene. Supposedly, if they start washing their face and buy a couple of bottles with miracle remedies, and everything will pass right there.
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my skin is feelin pretty damn SMOOTH for the first time in forever. I’m on day 43 of iso, (have been on 50mg for 4 days) and I’m noticing the dryness (although it doesn’t look like it bc I cover myself in gallons of rose oil hehe) and of course I notice a big difference in my skin texture, I think I’m finally starting to see a lil improvement which is really really nice. But as always side effects are coming in FAST: * Dry, sunburnt feelin lips * Nose is SUPER DRY like all scaly and I constantly wanna pick it bc it just feels like I have a load of dead skin laying there haha * Hands come out with a rash so much, but again, E45 is my saviour * Nose is even more dry and ouchy * * ‘Accutane GLOW’ - redness is real and I feel like a big traffic light sometimes :) Stomach aches?? Been getting a few every morning since I started 50mg #acne #isotretinoin #accutanejourney #skin
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People with acne can be poisoned, and women are also required to hide their faces behind a thick layer of makeup, because inflammation on the skin looks unusual and causes rejection. Even in advertising for acne products, seeing real rashes is a big rarity.
A few years ago, beauty blogger Em Ford, who, due to acne bombarded with offensive comments, shot a video about it, which later became viral.
Why you shouldn't be ashamed of it
Skin-positive activistsSk ‑ inclusivity is Sweeping Instagram and We’re 100 Percent Here For It insist: to apply makeup that hides the rash, or not to do it - the personal choice of everyone. Acne does not mean that a person is not hygienic. It is not contagiousIs Acne Contagious?, and decorative cosmetics in some cases canHow to figure out if makeup could be causing your acne cause inflammation or make it worse. At the moment, a person just has such a skin, no other.
The same, by the way, applies to other "problems" with the skin. They don't make you or anyone else ugly. And they are not obliged to hide behind sunglasses, makeup and closed clothes.
2. Gray hair and wrinkles
Advertising, media and cinema actively support the idea that looking at your age is bad, that only youth can be beautiful, and any signs of aging must be masked. And as a result, people (mostly women) who already have gray hair and wrinklesdo not feel attractive.
They experience and give tens of billions to the anti-aging industrySize of the anti-aging market worldwide from 2018 to 2023 dollars annually.
This includes care cosmetics, and the services of cosmetologists, and plastic surgeries along with injectable drugs. Decent costs are also spent on hair coloringMarket value of hair dye / color worldwide from 2017 to 2023 amounts, especially if you contact the colorists. In addition, all these procedures take time: for example, the Englishwoman Keith Dinota calculatedThe women choosing to love their natural gray hairthat for 14 years has spent 1000 hours of her life on hair coloring.
Why you shouldn't be ashamed of it
Until the middle of the 20th century, hair was almost never dyed, but in the 50s, along with a more or less tolerable dyeFrom rainbow to gray: The evolution of hair dye there was also a very dubious advertisement. She said that gray hair looks dull and makes a woman plain and tired, and in general, in every possible way, fanned the fear of aging.
But there is nothing terrible in gray hair or wrinkles. This is evidence that we are getting older - a kind of milestones on the human path. Therefore, more and more women of all ages are growingThese 50 Women Refuse To Dye Their Hair And Look Amazing Anyway gray hair, do not hide wrinkles and say that their body is changing, and this is absolutely natural.
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“I was too young to be gray, I was to self conscience, I would look too old and I worried too much about what other people thought. These were the doubts and fears that kept me coloring my hair every 3 weeks. But in actuality, I loved seeing women with their natural gray hair, they inspired me and I dreamed of the courage to take that step. For 3 years I negotiated within myself, weighing every positive and negative that would come from setting my roots free until I was tired of thinking and decided to act. I wanted all women to feel comfortable in their own skin, their own hair, and why not me too. Hair doesn’t define who we are. Silver, gray, white, ash, are all beautiful colors and I'm learning to celebrate mine. " @silverstrandsofglitter #grombre #gogrombre #grombabe
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Among them are actresses and celebrities12 celebrities who have spoken about having gray hair: Meryl Streep, Salma Hayek, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jamie Lee Curtis, Diane Keaton, Mayim Bialik and others. The idea of accepting your wrinkles and gray hair turns into something of a movement: photo projects are dedicated to itSilver: state of mind, blogs and booksFade to gray: why women should stop dyeing their hair, social videos are being shot on this topic. Thousands of women around the world share stories of how they stopped painting over gray hair.
In Russia and in the post-Soviet space, this idea is still rather wary: among media personalities, only rare "age"Valentina Yasen about freedom: to be yourself, not to dye your hair and do what you want models, and bloggers who do this are abandonedIn the footsteps of my gray hair. What commentators wrote on different social networks (and what it says about them) outraged comments.
But this is not a reason to suffer with staining or spend money on injections: there is no objective need to do this.
3. Completeness
Fat people get poisonedIn a Nizhny Novgorod fitness club, a trainer insulted a fat woman, shame, accuse of laziness, reproach every piece eaten and urge to wrap up in a large nondescript rag. This phenomenon is called fat shaming, and even successful and generally attractive people, such as Rihanna, suffer from it.People Are Body ‑ Shaming Rihanna After Her Grammys 2018 Performancewhich is always hit by her fluctuations in weight.
And no, fat shaming has nothing to do with health care. Even those whose weight from the point of view of doctors is within the normal range can be subject to it, and numerous cases14 times celebrities shut down body-shamers harassment of celebrities is an excellent confirmation of this.
Why you shouldn't be ashamed of it
Even if a person is really overweight or obese, insults, ridicule, hatred of their body and refusal of their favorite clothes will not help them lose weight. Shame and guilt only make it worseDoes Guilt Make You Fat? situations lead to breakdowns and binge eating disorder. Expressed obesity is not a sign of laziness, but the result of endocrine disorders, genetic predisposition and eating disorders.
A fat person is not obliged to hide, pack himself in shampooing underwear, black overalls and clothes with vertical stripes.
If he wants, he can show his body and wear everything the same as the rest, including open swimwear, short shorts, leopard leggings and revealing tops, for which the fat shamers are ready tear to pieces body positive bloggers.
4. Cellulite
Lumpy skin on the thighs and buttocks is considered something ugly and encouraged to fight this phenomenon with all our might. Women who have "orange peel" are embarrassed to wear swimsuits or open their legs, do painful massage, spend money on ointments and cellulite remedies.
Why you shouldn't be ashamed of it
Cellulite, like gray hair, has become a problem thanks to marketing. Until the 70s of the XX century, it was not considered something bad at all: you can see it on canvases Rubens and Courbet, on photos actresses and models of the 50s.
But in 1973, the American Nicole Ronchard, the owner of a beauty salon, published a bookCellulite by Nicole Ronsard on how to deal with the "orange peel". Only in the first weeks it was purchasedMedicine: Battle of the Bulges more than 200,000 readers, and later the book went through several editions.
Since then, the idea that cellulite is a terrible flaw, which must be eliminated by any means, has broughtCellulite Treatment Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report beauty industry billions of dollars.
At the same time, studies say that bumpy skin on the thighs isCellulite - Causes, Prevention, Treatment in 85-98% of women, and the fat in this area is exactly the sameAn Exploratory Investigation of the Morphology and Biochemistry of Cellulite the same as on any other part of the body. But cosmetic and surgical procedures, such as liposuction and mesotherapy, can10 Common Liposuction Myths make the skin even more uneven.
It turns out that the "orange peel" is just a feature of the female body. It is associated with the fact that women's skin is thin, adipocytes are largerRegional Differences in Adipose Tissue Metabolism in Womenthan men, and the percentage of body fat is generally higher. So you can feel free to wear short skirts and not run beach photos through a dozen filters.
5. Tall or short
Men are complex because they have not grown to the size of a two-meter closet - after all, a "real man" must be powerful. And, of course, he must be taller than his partner - at least a little.
Women also have complexes, and both because of too small, unmodel growth, and because of too large (dilda, tower, shoes heels you will not wear, otherwise you will be taller than most men). And it is quite difficult to choose clothes with non-standard parameters, because it does not look as good as on “typical” people.
Why you shouldn't be ashamed
95% of women have heightHuman Height in the range of 150-179 cm. 95% of men have between 163 and 193 cm. Moreover, these values are constantly changing: in some periods of human history they were more, in others - less. The lower limit of the norm is about 147 cm: smaller growth is usually characteristicDwarfism for people with dwarfism.
But there may be exceptions, especially for women. If growth fits into these rather vague frameworks - well, hundreds of thousands of people with the same parameters walk around the planet.
And if not, it still does not make you worse - perhaps, on the contrary, it makes you stand out from the crowd.
Height is simply body length, which is determined by genetics and hormonal status. These figures do not characterize a person in any way. Yes, non-standard sizes can cause objective problems (no suitable clothes, it is inconvenient to sit on the plane). But there is no reason to be ashamed, slouch, or, conversely, wear high heels - which, by the way, provoke serious problemsHOW HIGH HEELS AFFECT YOUR BODY with a musculoskeletal system.
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