30 inspiring quotes about life change and instability
A Life / / January 06, 2021
Change can be wonderful or it can be daunting. In any case, thanks to them, we learn something new and grow. If you feel anxious about the fact that life is changing, open this collection, in it you will find support and inspiration.
1. “Yesterday I was smart and that's why I wanted to change the world. Today I have become wise, and therefore I am changing myself ”(Jalaladdin Rumi, Persian poet).
2. “Man cannot discover new oceans until he has the courage to lose sight of the shore” (André Gide, French writer and playwright).
3. “All great change is preceded by chaos.” - Deepak Chopra, physician and author of books on spirituality and alternative medicine.
4. "To experience painful experience - it's like hanging on a handle. At some point, you will have to let go of him to move on ”(Clive Lewis, writer, author of The Chronicles of Narnia).
Marilyn Monroe, American actress, singer and model5. Sometimes, breaking a good thing can add something better.
6. “To improve is to change, and to be perfect is to change often” (Winston Churchill, British statesman and politician).
7. “True life does not take place where great external changes are made, where they move, collide, fight, kill each other, and it only happens where there are slight, imperceptible changes in the spiritual consciousness of people "(Lev Tolstoy. Reading circle).
8. “Change is the end result of any present learning"(Leo Buscaglia, writer and motivational speaker).
9. “A bend in the road is not the end of the road, if, of course, you have time to turn around” (Helen Keller, writer, public figure).
Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist, public figure-humanist10. The main measure of the mind is the ability to change.
11. “There is no progress without struggle” (Frederick Douglas, writer and educator).
12. “Where there is hope, there is life. She again fills with courage and gives strength ”(Anne Frank, Jewish girl, native of Germany, author of the diary of the same name).
13. “People who can change over and over again are much safer and happier than those who cannot” (Stephen Fry. Moab is my washing bowl).
14. “Not every change leads to improvement, but in order to improve something, you first need to change it” (Georg Lichtenberg, scientist, philosopher and publicist).
15. “In every change, in every leaf that has fallen, there is both pain and beauty. And that is how new leaves grow. ”- Amit Ray, writer and spiritual teacher.
Robert Frost, poet16. I can summarize everything I have learned about life in a nutshell: it continues.
17. "A person who is not shy he does not learn enough of what he was a year ago ”(Alain de Botton, writer, philosopher).
18. “We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be hostages of that past” (Rick Warren, writer, pastor).
19. “Incredible life changes happen when you decide to take control of what is in your power, instead of craving control over what is not in your control. ”(Steve Maraboli, Business Consultant, author).
20. “If we do not change, we do not develop. And if we don't develop, then we don't really live ”(Gail Sheehy, writer, author of the book“ Age Crises ”).
Viktor Frankl, "A Man in Search of Meaning"21. When we are no longer able to change the situation, we are required to change ourselves.
22. “You are young only as long as time has passed since you last changed the decision"(Timothy Leary, psychologist, LSD researcher).
23. “In any case, changes will come. They can be bloody, or they can be beautiful. It depends on ourselves ”(Arundati Roy, writer).
24. “It is not given to us to return yesterday, but tomorrow depends on us” (Lyndon Johnson, 36th US President).
Robert Brolt, writer25. Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you never received.
26. “You will outgrow some people. Let it be. ”- Mandy Hale, author of Single lady.
27. “Everyone has the opportunity to change and develop until the last breath” (M. F. Ryan).
28. “The only immutable law is that everything changes. The hardships that I endured today are only a hair's breadth from the pleasures of tomorrow, and these pleasure will be even more joyful from the memories of what I have endured ”(Louis Lamour, writer, author of Westerns).
29. “We must let go of the life we have planned in order to accept the life that awaits us” (Joseph Campbell, researcher of mythology).
30. “It's never too late, or - in my case - it's never too early to become who you want to be. There is no time frame, you can start anytime. You can change or stay the same - there are no rules ”(Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The mysterious story of Benjamin Button).
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