During its debut in 2011, Siri made a splash and has since yavlyatsya integral part of iOS. It is true, Apple gave its Virtual Assistant to the next level - leaving far behind hackneyed "Voice control", which are not embedded in their phones, just lazy manufacturer. Siri affects their talents: it will wake you up early, prompt whether to take an umbrella, recommend a restaurant or movie and will book a table for you or tickets. Did you know that your virtual assistant can gamble?
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Of course Siri will not help you win, and we are not talking about gambling in the truest sense of the word, but when you need to make a decision, and you will doubt - can ask Siri to quit for you coin.
Just say «Flip a coin» and assistant will answer you, that fell - heads or tails. This trick can help out if there is no real coin pocket.
Even Siri is able to throw the dice. To do this, consult «Roll the dice». As in the first case - no visualization, you just get two numbers in response. And you can not throw no more, no less than two blocks - Siri always will give two numbers. Therefore, for role-playing games like D & D, require a separate, more advanced application from the App Store or real dice.
That's what "talent" have your virtual assistant. The next time when you want to throw a lot - you can use this little trick.