How to recover data on a computer, smartphone, tablet, and the memory card
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
If you need a program for data recovery, then it lost something really important. This happens rarely, but neatly, and it is better to be prepared for such situations. We'll show you how not to lose valuable information, and how to get her back.
How not to lose data
You will never have to spend money on a program to recover and deal with them, if you take care of the safety of critical data. Backing up - this is a very good habit and the best way to save money, time and nerves.
To complain about the lack of time and the possibility of creating backups you could 15 years ago. Hard drives and flash drives were small and expensive, ingots - uncomfortable and too cost money, the recording speed is poor. Now capacious high-speed memory cards are the two burger and bred in cloud storage services combined with the widespread availability of the Internet make it possible to fully automate the process of backing copy. Simply install the application on a cloud computer or mobile device.
The user selects a folder and content types for synchronization, then copying the cloud will occur by itself, without human intervention.
In the case of force majeure, you just go down to the cloud, and will undertake the necessary data.
Though cloud storage guarantee almost complete fault tolerance and data integrity for guaranteed access to the most valuable information is useful to follow the rule "3-2-1", which It reads as follows:
- three copies. All relevant information should be stored in triplicate.
- Two media type. To store important information, make better use of at least two different methods. This is connected with the strengths and weaknesses of a particular storage method. For example, cloud storage. For him not to access without the Internet, so as a safety net you need something that you can carry with them and that is able to work offline. Flash drives and external hard drives are perfectly suited for this.
- One copy is stored remotely. Imagine that you have two flash drives. Both are stick in a bag that you just lost. Avoid a situation where all of your eggs in one basket, it is necessary when creating backups. On the role of remote storage backups great cloud services.
However, you will still be too lazy to deal with backup, and therefore move on to the data recovery software.
Check in advance
Feature utilities for data recovery is the fact that they require some time to study. Install and understand at least one of them is better in advance.
Functionality trialkyl and demos, as a rule, is so limited that actually enables you to carry out the recovery process.
There are good free programs to recover, but you should not rely solely on them. The effectiveness of a particular utility is highly dependent on the specific situation. It is in your case free tools can not cope with the task, and then you have to try paid options.
The average price of the program for data recovery - somewhere around $ 30-40, that the current course very much. This high cost is due to the data value for a person who has decided in whatever was to bring them back.
Program to recover files and data
most Popular
TestDisk - a free open source utility that runs on all current desktop systems (Windows, Linux, xBSD, OS X). Especially for the recovery image exists a tool called PhotoRec.
Recuva - one more titanium in the world of data recovery for Windows.
Data Recovery Wizard (Windows, OS X, Android, iOS) - a utility that recovers data not only on desktop, but also on mobile operating systems. Note to recover data on your Android and iOS you will also need a computer running Windows or Mac:
- Data Recovery Wizard for Windows;
- Data Recovery Wizard for Mac;
- MobiSaver for Android;
- MobiSaver for iOS.
Other utilities for Windows
- Disk Drill;
- Data Rescue;
- GetDataBack;
- IsoBuster.
Other utilities for OS X
- Disk Drill;
- Data Rescue;
- FileSalvage (Camera Salvage Pro to restore a photo);
- Data Recovery Guru (Photo Recovery Guru to restore the photo).
Tools for Android
- iSkysoft Android Data Recovery.
for iOS Utilities
- iSkysoft iPhone Data Recovery
- Tenorshare iPhone Data Recovery.
If you want to permanently delete data
There is a reverse situation, when it is necessary not to return, and finally and irrevocably delete the data. This may be a sale of drive or computer to another person, and the more specific scenarios where which you'll want to make sure that even the coolest Recovery utility was not able to get anything from the drive.
For total cleaning should refer to the specialized program or Recuva. The reliable cleaning method, the more time it takes, but as a reward for the wait you get a guarantee of irreversible destruction to your personal data.