The new design for Google Reader
Tips / / December 19, 2019
online client for reading RSS-feeds from Google has never attracted me. Its first version was so "revolutionary" interface, to use it was just uncomfortable. Then, when Google has improved and upgraded its service by adding great features (eg, automatic loading of records when scrolling window), I still could not bring myself to go to the Google Reader :) However, the talented British designer John Hicks was able to me convince. He made his design for Google Reader, made in the style of applications for MacOS. Here is a screenshot showing the result of his work (clickable image)
In my opinion, look has become easier, cleaner, and more beautiful. If you want to transform Google Reader in this manner, you need:
- Users of the Mozilla Firefox browser to install the extension Stylishdownload CSS-file, Paste its contents into a new CSS-file created for the site
- Opera users need to download archive, Extract from it greader.css file in a folder, and then in the browser to open Google Reader, right-click, select Edit Site Preferences and My Style Sheet tab, specify the path to greader.css
According to John, the new design of Google Reader users can use Mac-browsers - Safarib Camino and OmniWeb.
[Google Reader Theme]