Jobs: Aksana Pruttskova, CEO iFriday and organizer of TEDx
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Visiting Layfhakera girl believes that everyone can change the world around them, and actively engaged in this. Meet Aksana Pruttskova, owner and organizer of TEDx conferences. In an interview she told us about their time management, their working tools and why likes to run.
Aksana Pruttskova
Businessman. More than five years he has headed the company of virtual assistants iFriday. Since 2014 TEDx-organizer. She graduated from the journalism faculty of Moscow State University and an MBA-program VSHBI the HSE.
What do you do in your work?
I run a company iFriday and organize non-profit conference TEDx. iFriday - it's 15 employees and more than 400 regular customers. TEDx - eight and seven volunteers organized events. I often say that TEDxPokrovkaSt hobby for me, but we had a conference on August 22 280 people, and though much room for improvement, I think we have moved to a new professional level.
What is your occupation?
By education I am a journalist by vocation - the organizer, there is always something to organize. In general, a lot of strange Journalism School graduates: designers, actors, deputy prime ministers, there is even a cosmonaut. But my first job was still more or less connected with journalism, I was making corporate and youth magazines.
A couple of years ago I attended this on a good an MBA-program in the HSE VSHBI, because at some point I realized that I did not lack of system knowledge in the field of management, and all the books like "Yourself MBA» just about personal efficiency.
But I find it hard to say that I love to learn. I find it easier to read a few books, than to listen to a long lecture, which can not be rewound or postpone, if not in the mood. Audiobooks also not my format. Therefore, the wheel on the way to work I usually listen to something entertaining: podcasts, interviews or ethnic music.
Every day I look at two or three performances TED. I've always liked this format, which is why more than a year ago, I began to organize in Moscow TEDh conference. The world in 2008 held more than 13 thousand such events. Some of them are more successful, some less, but all over the world are private and non-profit initiative of enthusiasts who have received a license from TED.
Happiness is to be engaged in business, which makes sense. And yes, each with its own meaning.
For me, TED and TEDx - is first and foremost inspiration, an opportunity to expand their cozy little world. I'm not just looking for an interesting video, I turn on the amazing people in my life. I think that if you look TED-performance JRYou also might want to subscribe to it in Instagram or Facebook. Of course, Moscow has its heroes, and TEDxPokrovkaSt mission - to search for ideas worth spreading.
How does your workplace?
I can work everywhere.
I try to at least a day a week to work out of the office and coworking or anti-café in the summer - in the park, or appointments close to beautiful places like "Apothecary Garden".
Yet we have a few minutes from garden office to them. Bauman, and, whatever the difficult day, a 20-minute walk you can always find - in the extreme case, combine it with the phone calls.
I almost always online. Is that a day or two a week, spend without a laptop. Phone camera more to me than the device to work, and I can well live without it.
Something without which I can not work:
- MacBook with headphones for Skype and the music (while I listen to mostly music rain);
- notebook Moleskine Reporter the cell (large);
- Paper records "Millimetrus»;
- pen Flair Angular (she was left-handed, and I once bought her packages eldest son, and now I'm used to it, and all the other handles seem uncomfortable).
How do you organize your time?
Systems of organization of time and cases are closest to me GettingThingsDone David Allen and Eisenhower matrix. I am using the arithmetic mean. :)
According to the GTD concept in the Things app to make lists for each project task. Then manually writing tasks for a day in the lattice Eisenhower - for that perfect little square sheet. I used to be unduly optimistic, and on a large sheet of all the problems recorded, half of which is accounted for on a daily basis to rewrite the list of the next day.
Some repetitive actions that I want to control, leading to Excel: sleep time, cross training, reception vitaminok. There's also fix the three most successful moment of the day.
Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Basecamp, corporate portal, Dropbox - it's all I use in my work. Therefore, the Internet - is the first thing I think when I come in any country.
All activity on the TEDx'm in Google Docs, and communicate with the team in the Facebook-group (and offline, of course).
What place sport occupies in your life?
Sports in my life occupies pride of place in the form of four medalek: two at 10 km, one of 21 km and one of 42 km. In the autumn I plan to run another half marathon. I dream of a marathon in Beirut, but it is unlikely this year.
Running for me - it is meditation, a way of anything not to think. Rarely I exercise and remember, that would run well when I see in other people's Facebook-ribbon reports on training. So write often. :)
I dream of flying into space. Now this dream is more real than the same child.
Layfhakerstvo from Aksai Pruttskovoy
My favorite pastime - reading books. In the morning, 20 minutes reading the simple motivational books about business and self-development, and best, in my opinion, these:
- «It will not be easy"Ben Horowitz;
- «Allow yourself to dream"Whitney Johnson;
- «Be the best version of yourself"Dan Waldschmidt.
Names, farewell! :)
All these books are easy to read, it's fiction, which adjusts to a productive working day. But it is better to treat these books not as a basic reading, of course.
And watch at least once a week, TED video. Choosing try to leave on the side of TED: All the most interesting thought out at the intersection of different knowledge, and finding you probably first of all start to look for something to do with that, what you already know about.
What is your life motto?
My favorite quote:
Each of us can change the world around them.
Robert Kennedy
As an organizer of TEDx I know that this is the case. Each of you can change the world, if you're doing something you love.