Jobs: Danny Perekalskiy, CEO
Workplaces / / December 27, 2019
Danny Perekalskiy
CEO of He began his career in the company Nielsen: first in the Israeli branch, then in Moscow. Then, he was appointed Director of Purchasing and the head of pricing department of Metro. "Dixie" restructured network marketing discounters. In 2014 he became Deputy General Director Ozon Group, and a year later took over the company.
What do you do in your work?
Speaking globally, my main role - in defining the right strategy for the business and in setting goals for the team. The team should be a motivation for all of us went to the goal in the same direction.
Working not only with the team, but also with customers. Eager for us to be closer to them. Every day I read reviews about our work, including social networks. Reviews are important to ensure that our strategy is based on an understanding of customer needs, and to see what more is needed to improve their lives.
That's because every day I balance between colleagues and customers. Both determines future success.
Before I lived in orange project and my great pride - "Dixie." This project is very much changed my life, I made a great contribution to my development, especially in the understanding of life in Russia.
What is your occupation?
I did not choose the profession. Life has given me the opportunity to work in a place where my passion. I have always followed his instincts and was busy with things that bring me pleasure, which I passionately wanted to do. I think that the passion is very important. This is a driver for the development of the right direction of life.
I like stories that some people are not suitable for universities, but eventually found his passion. For example, Steve Jobs or Spielberg.
Even with a degree, I do not believe that education is necessary. Life - the best teacher. Academic environment makes all the same, and I think that difference - that's fine.
At university I studied management and economics. After an MBA in marketing. And I am not enrolled in the best universities of Israel, where he wanted to learn. But a few years later, I was invited back as a speaker, so I told the students about his experiences.
I was not a model student (to put it mildly). Already during the training to focus more on gaining experience in the business. I passed the test with the help of his good friends.
When studying for an MBA, I was the general director of Nielsen. And in the work I have gained more experience than at a university. Diploma did not give me very much, but at the same time my education - the subject of my mother's pride. All my diplomas hanging on her wall.
His children, I say that today education is optional. For some, it is important for some - no. Some work, some - not. But unfortunately, sometimes you need to unlearn five years to understand it.
What should know and be able to a person working in your field?
It should have the company's management experience, team work, working with buyers. The more difficulties he overcame, the richer his experience. Every difficult situation and a challenge in the past to help the success in the future.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
My approach to work and customers - it's part of me, my DNA. It helps that I never stop halfway and tempered in demanding situations. It is important to not only turn off the road to your goal, but do not change the very purpose.
On the other hand, I always know what you can do even better, and rarely satisfied with the result of a hundred percent.
How does your workplace?
For me the important energy, so my workstation is not boring, and color. There's a lot of light. The environment should contribute creativity.
When there is no negotiation, my door is always open. On the table are required candies for colleagues to treat ourselves, while we are discussing the news. Also on my desk a family photo to remember the meaning of life. Inscription on the wall as a business reference point: "We are building a life in which everyone will buy in Russian all that is necessary, beneficial, convenient, online."
More and more often I use the iPhone and a laptop. On Friday night turn on the wireless speakers to listen to music and to finish the week on a positive note.
iPhone with me always. This is my first mate.
Applications that use most often:
- WhatsApp (trendy, comfortable, like group chats);
- Gett;
- facebook;
- instagram;
- IMDb;
- iTunes, so listen to music;
- application
Notifications come from WhatsApp and social networks.
browser - google Chrome. I love Google. Once remarked that on the laptop look only site Everything else is a step by step turned into applications. Mail Outlook - is our corporate standard. News learn from social networks or from my colleagues Masha Nazamutdinovoy.
Photo edit rare, I do not have a separate application for this. And when all the edit, then straight into Instagram.
The scheduler and calendar - the iPhone. I love the iPhone.
Is there a place in your paper work?
I am trying not to use paper. But sometimes, when suddenly comes to my mind some idea, and I do not want to forget it, still have to pick up a pen and notebook.
How do you organize your time?
In addition to the morning, I do not have any special regulations. I start the day early, finish late.
My morning
I'm an extreme lark. I get up around six in the morning (on weekends - at 7:00). But always wake up before the alarm.
Morning gives me energy. Be sure to do a 15-minute charge: some dynamic exercises, strip, twist. Then a shower to the brain started to work (many daily ideas come just in the shower). Drink fresh juice (orange, carrot, recently apple with ginger) and start the day!
My day
Work during the day is built differently. Usually follow the schedule in the calendar. Sometimes it is a meeting with colleagues and team, sometimes - with our partners, shareholders, customers, or business trips.
At least once a month I visit our main warehouse in Tver and our delivery office in the Marina Roscha. Every few months I happen to our regional warehouses in Yekaterinburg and Kazan, as well as in our call center in Tambov and our office in St. Petersburg.
My evening
Finish the day more relaxed, spending time with my family, I respond to the letters. And if the remaining strength, I read books, mostly on the brain. Such books help to better understand people and their behavior, and, therefore, is how the business. In the brain work and business have in common: both need to grow every day, or death.
I'm happy when I learn something new, when I see that people around me are also being developed. When I see that promotes positive changes in the family and the children are happy, and when I read the positive comments.
I go to bed around midnight, after View All customer reviews with the hashtag #ozonru.
How do you feel about the delegation of authority?
Of course, I choose to delegate.
There is not a chance to do everything yourself and succeed. We need a strong team.
It is my great personal lesson. Previously, I tried to do everything himself. But the more experienced you become, the more you realize how important a strong team around. The team that you can trust, and each member of which - an expert in a separate part of the business.
How to pass the time in traffic jams?
So great that there are traffic jams! This is a great time for thinking, plan the day.
I listen to music or radio DFM, Chocolate radio or calling parents. They are so fond of, when I'm in a traffic jam. :)
What's your hobby?
Movie. Over the weekend, I watch one or two films, the genre can be anything.
I love sports, I draw inspiration in it for the business. I take a lot of sports, I learned a lot through it. Every weekend I play tennis, it switches the brain for other thoughts.
I like to walk with his dog Kelly. It helps you to relax.
I am inspired by nature, the world and people. Simple things in life.
Layfhakerstvo from Danny Perekalskiy
- «Ogilvy on Advertising"David Ogilvy. With this book began my passion for marketing.
- «Secrets of Negotiating"Roger Dawson. This book opened for me the world of negotiations.
- «Management in 10 words"Terry Leahy. The book is about customers, management and simplicity.
- «The Shawshank Redemption»;
- «Life is Beautiful»;
- «Back to the Future»;
- «The Pursuit of Happyness»;
- «Leon».
What is your life motto?
Go ahead!
Our experience - is history. The main thing is the future, that is to come. I believe that, regretting the past, we keep ourselves from investing in something really important in our future!