Transform Ubuntu into Mac interface
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Today will tell you how to make a clearance favorite Linux-distribution the same as the design of the other * nix-axis created by the guys from Cupertino. Immediately make a reservation: true-makovodov please restrain righteous anger; and those who are bored with cartoon-glamorous Ubuntu interface, which is now installed by default - please pay attention to this post.
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Before you start experimenting with the "apple" for the design of Ubuntu, switch settings on the English language interface (upon completion of all procedures will be able to return all back). Also I recommend that you disable the functionality of Unity (which is available in Ubuntu 11.04). Made? Now you can begin to transform your "penguin" in the "Snow Leopard".
To start Create a new folder Home in my home directory called "Mac_files". It manually download the following files:
- Modified Mac4Lin theme
- Mac4Lin icon set
- Mac4Lin wallpaper
- Avant Windows Manager elegant glass theme
Install new themes
To do this, go to the menu "System -> Preferences -> Appearance".
Here click Install, and added to the list Mac4Lin GTK theme "(a common path to the file, which contains the new design theme in this It will take the form: "/home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/GTK Metacity Theme / Mac4Lin_GTK_v0.4.tar.gz", where username - your name user).
Similarly, use the Install button to install and Mac4Lin icon theme (the path to the file - "/Home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_Icons_Part2_v0.4.tar.gz" and "/Home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_Icons_modified.tar.gz").
When you have finished adding new topics, click "Apply new themes". Finish: now we have a list of existing icons and the overall design theme.
The next step - "the cursor, as in the Mac"
- To do this, again in the same click the Install button and choose the file named "Mac4Lin mouse cursor theme" (it is in the our user folder at "/home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/GTK Cursor Theme / Mac4Lin_Cursors_v0.4.tar.gz "). Again, click on the "Apply new themes".
- Click on the option "Sustomize" and select for registration "Mac4Lin_GTK_v0.4". Next you need to go to the tab "Window border" and also select "Mac4Lin_GTK_v0.4". Apply all your changes, click "Close".
The next step - the famous background
To do this, go to the tab "Background", add a new background using the "Add" button and select the wallpaper that we are at "/home/username/Mac_files/Wallpapers/Leopard.jpg". When finished with the background, click on the "Close" button.
Another remarkable feature of MacOS - beautiful "glass" dock bar at the bottom of the screen. In Ubuntu we will replace him Avant Window Navigator, which you need to establish if it is not already installed.
Go to the Applications menu -> Accessories -> Terminal, open the console and write it:
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
(If you use vim or another editor - simply substitute your editor in a line). In the resulting file in front of us, in the end you need to add 2 lines:
deb hardy main deb-src hardy main
Save the changes and close the file. We continue to work with the console:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator-trunk awn-manager-trunk awn-extras-applets-trunk
At this stage, may give an error and report that the requested file is not available. If you have what happened (or if you're too lazy to bother with the console) - you direct road to the Synaptics package manager (Synaptics Manager) or in the Ubuntu Software Center. There's a search bar trying to drive the Avant Window Navigator - and put it and all associated packages. So after installing the docking bar to work, including visual effects in System Preferences.
Create a stack of folders in panels
Open installed Avant Window Navigator.
Click on an icon in the Applet properties docking panel (left). On the right you see the text "Stack Applet" - select it and click "Activate". Now you have a stack of folders, a hair's breadth as in MacOS.
install fonts
Once again, we will need a console, open and write:
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts cd / usr / share / fonts sudo tar xvzf /home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/Fonts/OSX_Fonts.tar.gz cd / sudo tar xvjpf /home/username/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v0.4/Fonts/fontconfig.tbz -C / etc / fonts
Next, go to the menu "System -> Preferences -> Appearance", tab "Fonts" - and select all the fonts that are visible in the screenshot (do not forget to save any changes made).
Here is what I got in the end:
Actually, the majority of users are advised to stay: you get a nice and so "makopodobnaya" Ubuntu (with the design I have successfully worked for almost 2 years). But if you still want to have the windows key to the right, and the bootloader menu, lock screen and all decoration was exactly the same as the Y-axis from Steve Jobs, and you is not afraid to read the instructions in English, to dig deeper into the guts of the system and pokoldovat the console - it's a full English-language manual (He will make an exact clone of the Ubuntu MacOS even in the smallest details).