What happens if you divide the day at 100 units
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
Tim Urban, author of the popular blog Wait But Why, suggests thinking about how you manage your time. All things you have 1000 minutes a day. What are you willing to spend it?
Most people sleep 7-8 hours every night. Hence, it remains of 16 or 17 hours of wakefulness. Or about 1000 minutes.
Let's imagine 1000 minutes in the form of hundreds of 10-minute blocks. With this amount you wake up every day.
Throughout the day you spend 10 minutes of your life in each block until they come to an end, and does not come time go to sleep.
And now look back and think about how you use the 100 blocks that get each day. How many of them do you spend to make the future better, and how much just for fun? How many blocks are spent on communication with other people, and how much do you spend alone? How much time you create something new, and how many just aimlessly consume? How many blocks you give your body, your mind, and how much did nothing? Which blocks the day you most loved, and what - the most unpleasant?
Let us imagine these blocks in a grid. If you could plan out all the works as they wish, how would you have ordered every cell?
Think about all the classes for which you can take the time to vote them in blocks. To prepare dinner, you need three blocks, and to order food from a nearby cafe - zero. Are you ready to give up their blocks cooking?
10 minutes of meditation a day - quite an important thing for you to devote to it a block? If bedtime reading, you will be given 20 minutes, you will be able to read another 15 books a year. It stands two blocks?
When do you like to play video games, define the value obtained from them fun and decide how many blocks you can spend on them.
A drink with friends after work - it is about 10 blocks. How often are you willing to spend 10 units for this occupation? And friends?
What activities should be in the schedule and which can be eliminated, if necessary? Which blocks can be left empty, with no assigned tasks?
Now imagine the same grid, but where each block is marked as you spend it yesterday. Ask yourself what these two networks are different from each other and why?