"The cure for your suffering - is within you": Bruce Lee's advice about self-development
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
Bruce Lee was not just a movie star, but also a philosopher, a master of martial arts and cultural symbol. His energy was fascinated and inspired audiences around the world. Shannon, the daughter of Bruce Lee, the father chose the statements that help her not to stray from the chosen path and to overcome difficulties. They can help you too.
1. Strengthen the power of the spirit
Try to notice in what areas of life you are experiencing difficulties. Write down your observations, but do not blame yourself. Move forward and enjoy every victory.
Bruce LeeA cure for my pain was in me from the beginning, but I did not accept. My illness came from myself, but still I did not see it. Now I understand that I can not find the light as long as, like a candle, I will not own fuel.
This quote has helped Shannon Lee cope with depression after the tragic death of his brother. But it can be useful in other situations.
2. Be water
This is the famous quote by Bruce Lee. The very idea of likening the water goes back to Taoism - the ancient Chinese philosophical teachings. If you like the water, you can take any shape and easily avoid all the obstacles.
The next time encounter undeserved criticism or some obstacle, try not to freeze and do not resort to aggression. Imagine that you are a "streamlined" the problem of how the water flows around a rock.
Bruce LeeEmpty your mind. Become amorphous and shapeless, like water. When water is poured into the cup, it becomes the cup. When water is poured into the teapot, it becomes kettle. When water is poured into the bottle, it becomes a bottle. Water can flow, and can shatter. Be water, my friend.
3. Never give up
Years between the "green hornet" and films made in Hong Kong, Bruce Lee had to quite severe. In Hollywood, he was not offered the role it deserves, also at this time he seriously injured his back. The doctors said that he was no longer able to deal with martial arts and it may not even be able to walk normally. But he did not give up all his strength dedicated to recovery from injury.
On the back of his business card, he began to write the phrase "go further", to remind yourself that you should always think positively and move forward.
Do you have some kind of phrase that helps you in difficult times? Try to find or come up with some sort of motivational statement that will give you the strength to move on.
4. Define your main goal
In 1969, Bruce Lee recorded his main goalTo remind ourselves, in what direction he wants to develop. He called it "My main goal is quite certain."
Bruce LeeI, Bruce Lee, will be the first paid superstar East in America. I will achieve world fame, and I will have a capital of ten million dollars. I can live as I will be pleased to reach inner peace and happiness.
Record your own main objective. Do not be afraid to dream and remember that the goal - it is only the direction in which you want to move, something that inspires you.
5. Create your own path
In 1964, followers of the traditional type of Kung Fu in San Francisco called Bruce Lee to a fight. They were unhappy with the way he teaches this martial art. In case of loss Lee had to close his studio in Oakland. Lee agreed and defeated opponent in three minutes.
Although he managed to keep his studio, he was dissatisfied with himself. He planned to defeat the enemy in one minute, but that during the fight moved around the room, so Lee had to pursue it.
The classical form of kung fu, where he studied (wine-chun), did not prepare him for the real battle. Therefore, Lee began to develop his own style (Jeet Kune Do), giving up some of the elements of classic Kung Fu and developing methods that are best suited to his body.
Bruce LeeAdapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is yours.
If you act according to the same pattern, think about whether it is possible to somehow improve it. Optionally general protoronnym go through. You can create your own path, ideal for you.
6. Grow
Bruce Lee also developed a four-step self.
- Incompleteness: separated yin-yang symbol represents the person who goes to extremes and can not achieve harmony with oneself.
- Fluidity: United yin-yang symbol represents the achievement of harmony between the masculine and the feminine, and the arrows indicate the constant interaction between the two.
- Emptiness (shapeless form). At this stage the mind is freed from all the excess, we are in the present moment.
- Symbol Jeet Kune Do. - the ideal of self-realization of man. The inscription in Chinese: "Failure to use the path as a path, there are no restrictions as limiting."
Look at these four stages of self and determine at what stage you are now. Keep a record of how you would like to develop.
7. Treat others with respect
Bruce Lee taught the martial arts of all, regardless of race or origin. He believed that all people - one big family. And although he had been discriminated against in Hollywood (he was told that no Asian would never get the lead role on television), it is not hardened. He wrote more great tenacity and directed their own scripts. His charisma and talent attracted people to him, and his philosophy still inspires.
Bruce LeeUnder this sky we are all one family.
Think about a person or people to whom you treat with prejudice. Try to find something in common. Quite possibly, you enjoy the same movie, meal or something else. Try to see that this is the same person, just like you. We all have much more in common than we think.