How to develop creativity using the MIT method
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
Vetas versatile
The founder of the creative incubator Creative Happens. It teaches creativity HSE, keeps a blog "101 creative development method" and Telegram-channel "Creativity 101."
What is PMI?
I keep the column with the tools to develop creativity. I have already told about the four tools that help creatively solve problems and find great ideas and solutions: Association, empathy map, Scamper and Free writing.
It's time to answer the question: "What's the idea of all created by me, the most-most?" What is to be realized, and which must still lie in your bank of ideas and ripen? Advantages of this tool - it is simple and consists of three words. Minus - it does not guarantee instant results, but this is normal. Hundreds of interesting features.
PMI, or "plus, minus, interesting" - a tool for the evaluation of ideas and decision-making, one of the great tools of lateral (creative) thinking that develops and actively promotes in his works by Edward de Bono, a British psychologist and writer, an expert on creative thinking.
How it works?
The very name has the answer: in the evaluation of the ideas you have to find it in the pros, cons and interesting features. The most valuable tool - a departure from the idea of two-way model assessment "like, dislike," in which you hardly come to the optimal choice because it will begin immediately to criticize and to work in templates.
Why do I live?
PMI - an indispensable tool for life. It can be used to assess the following ideas brainstormingTo make an informed decision on a particular situation in life, self-development and improvement of quality of life, to improve the effectiveness of your actions.
In general, to assess the situation and ideas from several sides - a normal and constructive practice. I recommend to everyone.
How to use PMI?
Here is a simple algorithm by which you can now evaluate any idea.
- Write down on a sheet on top of your idea.
- Below, draw a table with three columns: «+», «-», «i».
- The "+" list all the pros and positive aspects of the idea.
- In "-" list all the disadvantages and negative moments and the possible negative consequences.
- The «i» list that have more interesting in this idea, what kind of features you find. Maybe there is a strong emotional component, or a prospect for the future?
- Filled three columns? Next to each evaluation thought put a score between 1 and 10, where 10 - the maximum (for pros and cons).
- Fold scores in the "plus", then a "minus". Subtract the second from the first. If the result is positive, it seems that the idea is worthy.
- Do not forget that you have more potential "interesting", which are often innovative ideas for further work. Yes, in the evaluation of the ideas you have any new ideas - it's damn cool.
What alternatives are there to this method?
Tools to evaluate ideas on a number of criteria set. One of the most interesting - Matrix How-Now-Wow, an instrument of "Geymshtorminga"That helps overcome the" kreadoks "- creative paradox, when you come up with lots of ideas to help divergent thinking, and in assessing when it came to the convergence ultimately chose the most familiar (template).
Another alternative - advanced MIT. When filling out the scoring table - this is the first stage, and a reflection on the responses - the second. At the second stage it is necessary to ask questions and answer them. For negative points - "How do I use it?", For the positive - "What is the first step it is necessary to make it to the beginning of the work, "for interesting -" Is there something similar for today this is?".
Where to begin?
Let's fix on practice working with MIT and doing the exercises for 7 minutes. Look at the picture and complete the table MIT.
How's that for peace?
Are there any resources that will help me?
Here they are:
- Igor Mann, marketor number 1 in Russia, proposed the idea for the evaluation of ideas, and one studio to make a website "filters Mann"- quickly and for the benefit of business, you can evaluate your idea.
- Edward de Bono's book "art thinking"About lateral thinking.
- Book by Philip Kotler "lateral marketing». Take marketing and lateral thinking - and voila.
- work illustrator Nick Pedersen, just pozalipayte they can each write MIT.