25 Elon Musk statements about the future, the work and intellect
Inspiration / / December 26, 2019
About innovation and progress
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If a person believes that he would prefer to live in a different era, it is very likely he was just badly taught history. In the past, life was full of fluff. People knew very little and had a lot of chances to die young from some terrible disease. Perhaps, at your age you would have lost all his teeth. For a woman, it would be a very terrible situation.
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It is not necessary to state that suffer a defeat - fine. Other business - if to try new things, one idea, then another, then many options may not work. Here it should be considered normal. And if you think that each expressed the idea to be successful, it will not get any ideas.
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If you go back a few hundred years ago, all that we now consider the usual things seem magical - conversation at a distance, image transmission, flights, prophecy, based on the processing of huge volumes information. Several hundred years ago it would have seemed like magic.
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If you want to do something really innovative, it is necessary to focus on the analysis of the fundamental principles, and not to think by analogy. Analogies belong to the past. Analysis of the fundamental principles can undoubtedly rely on the right things that underlie a particular industry. On this basis you build their reasoning and come to a particular conclusion. And if you see that your conclusion is not the same as conventional, then you have a chance. Always do not get to act, as it takes too much mental energy, and most of their lives have to argue by analogy. But if you really want to be
innovatorIt is necessary to start from basic principles to determine the problem.About work
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Just work hard as hell. If other work forty hours a week, and you plow a hundred hours, even doing the same thing, you will be able to achieve results in two and a half times faster. Something that others will take a year, you will be able to do in four months. And if you are lazy, just do not waste time trying to run your business.
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It is important that you like the people you work with - otherwise life [and] work will be pretty unhappy.
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It is important to actively ask for a negative review and with special attention to listen to them. Usually people avoid them so as not to experience unpleasant emotions. But I think this is an extremely common mistake - do not ask about the negative reviews and did not take them into account.
On business
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If you show people the right way, then motivation no problems.
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We must ask, "Why here have been successful, but in other cases - no?"
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If some things do not work, do not be deceived by persuading himself backwards, - or get stuck on the wrong decision.
About money
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I feel kind of like my grandmother. It survived the Great Depression and the very hard times. These things remain with you for a long time. I do not even know if you can really get rid of them. Yes, now I am happy, but there is a pulling feeling, that all might end. Even in old age, when it was obvious that the grandmother will definitely not go hungry, she left a special relationship to food. In the case of Tesla, I decided to help out a lot of money just in case disaster strikes.
On space exploration
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If we reduce the cost to move in space, We can do great things.
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On Mars, you can establish a self-sustaining civilization and grow from it something really big.
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I would like to go into space. Absolutely. It would be cool. I used to risk himself, but now I have kids and responsibilities, so that his own test pilot I can not be, this is a bad idea. But I do like to fly when it is reasonable.
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I think we are the only ones of all those involved in launches, publish prices on the web site. The rest arrange something like oriental bazaar - they will charge you as much as they think you can pay. We rely on a stable and very low prices for it holds.
on the automotive
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[About the company and electric Tesla] To this day, there was no normal electric.
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What are we trying to achieve with the Tesla? So you can ride for free, forever, and solely by sunlight.
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Every Friday afternoon I meet with teams of designers and engineers, and we discuss all the nuances of the car. Every bumper, every curve, every little detail. It turns out that no, you need to check the terms of technical or ergonomic requirements and regulations. That is, frankly, a lot of restrictions. You can not make the car absolutely any form. It must comply with all regulations, requirements of emergency safety and so on. For this we need to do a lot of improvements and pay attention to each millimeter. So it turns out a good product.
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We would like to break the stereotype and show that electric cars - not just overrated electric milk floats on the go. This is the bystrorazgonyayuschiysya car with four doors in the world. He even milk tanker!
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The word "autopilot" I like more than the "self-governing". "Self-managed" means that the car can do what you want. "Autopilot" nice to have in the aircraft, and it should be installed on the machines.
about intelligence
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It is important to teach students ways of solving various problems and issues to talk about themselves, and not just about the tools that are needed to solve these problems. For example, you want to teach people how to arranged and the engine is running. In the traditional approach of training you are likely to say, "We will examine all the screwdrivers and wrenches, which will be useful for repair of the engine." In my opinion, this is not quite correct and very complex approach to the problem. Much better would be: "This is the engine. Let's break it apart. How are we to disassemble into parts? Easy, you need a screwdriver! "
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You know, Wikipedia actually pretty darn good. The information in it is accurate to 90 percent. Only it is not clear what it is 90 percent.
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At university I was trying to determine what are the main challenges facing humanity and maximize its impact on future. Here are three that I found the most important internet economy transition to renewable energy sources and space exploration, and in particular the spread of life on other planets.
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In the movie "Idiocracy," Mike Judge shows that smart people should at least maintain its strength. If evolution is going in the opposite direction, the good do not wait. We need at least to maintain parity. If children will be less, we'll have bad in every successive generation smart people. In Europe, Japan, Russia and China planned to demographic decline. That is, it turns out that the wealth, education and secularization of society leads to a decrease in the birth rate, there is a clear correlation. I am not saying that children should only start smart. I'm just saying that smart, too, must have children. At least, it is necessary to replace themselves. However, in my experience, many women are really smart or do not have children, or give birth to one. And you think, "Oh, our bad deeds."
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The successful creation of artificial intelligence will be the biggest event in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, it may be the last, unless we learn to avoid risks.
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