What if the child has diarrhea
Tips Educational Program / / December 19, 2019
In fact, diarrhea - it is a good thing. With its help the body get rid of harmful viruses, bacteria or toxic substances introduced into the digestive system.
Most often, diarrheaDiarrhea in Children: Causes and Treatments It lasts long - up to a couple days - and extends itself. However, there are situations where the child has diarrhea becomes truly dangerous.
When in need of urgent medical care
Here are signs that the diarrhea threatens children's health.
Immediately call an ambulance, if in addition to diarrhea:
- child is so weak that he could not get up;
- he complains of dizziness or do you see it dizziness.
As soon as possible, consult a pediatrician if:
- child looks frankly sick;
- diarrhea lasts longer than 2-3 days;
- baby less than 6 months;
- except diarrhea, vomiting occurred blood-green or yellow liquid;
- child vomited more than two times;
- you see blood in the stool;
- Diarrhea happens for the third time in less than a month;
- for 8 hours in a child there are four or more attacks of diarrhea, while he few drinks;
- baby looks dehydrated;
- complaining of abdominal pain, which persists for 2 hours;
- the child has a rash;
- it has a higher temperature of 39 ° C (or above 38 ° C - for children younger than 6 months);
- no urination for 6 hours for an infant under one year and 12 hours - for the older child.
Why does a child diarrhea and what to do
The most common causes of diarrhea in children are as follows.
1. Infection
It can cause:
- Viruses - e.g., Rotavirus;
- bacteria - such as Salmonella;
- parasites such as Giardia.
Most often, the perpetrators of it are diarrhea virus. In this case, diarrhea (it - viral gastroenteritis), often accompanied by headache, fever, vomiting and bouts of abdominal pain.
What to do
Viral gastroenteritis can last from 5 to 14 days. The most important thing at this time - to prevent dehydration. Be sure to contact your pediatrician: it will give recommendations on drinking regime and tell you how to see to it, whether the child is getting enough fluids.
If a child refuses to drink, offer him fruit ice - is a way to give your baby the necessary moisture.
Do not forget to inform your doctor if you are with a child recently returned from a trip, especially outside the country. In this case, the pediatrician may prescribe additional analysis of feces to prevent infection is not typical of your region.
2. Reaction to some medication
For diarrhea in children often lead:
- laxatives;
- antibiotics.
What to do
In most cases, diarrhea caused by drugs, easily tolerated. However, it is still better to prevent: a diarrhea suggests that the body is not good on the specific funds.
If you talk about laxatives, cancel their appointment. If the diarrhea appeared on the background of the use of antibiotics, do not interrupt the course, but check with your pediatrician. Your doctor may reduce the dose, switch to another medication, diet change or add to it probiotics.
3. Food poisoning
Diarrhea in poisoning is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting, sometimes. But in most cases the symptoms disappear by themselves within days.
What to do
Diarrhea caused by poisoning treated in the same way as a virus. Avoid dehydration and for any questions or concerns, consult your pediatrician.
4. indigestion
Here is a list of diseases that can occasionally cause diarrhea:
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- food allergies;
- celiac disease (Gluten intolerance);
- Crohn's disease - a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
What to do
Treat the underlying disease. And follow the diet - limit irritating products. If you are not sure what exactly caused diarrhea (especially if diarrhea attacks occur regularly), you should consult with your pediatrician. Your doctor may prescribe additional tests that will help establish the basic diagnosis.
see also👶👦👨
- Allergies in the child: everything parents need to know about the diagnosis and treatment
- How do you know whether you have parasites
- What should I do if food poisoning
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- What if the child temperature