How does a good work space? Usually, it is a simple table, minimalistic interior, no mess on the table in the office / room. And in many workplaces Mac-users alike. The more interesting to see a truly original solutions. For example, take a look at an unusual workplace American architect Matthew Fickett.
In its work, Matthew uses the Mac Pro. Almost all the furniture and items have been purchased in IKEA, but then brought to the mind of the author already own.
Mac Pro is suspended directly to the table and is always at hand. On the wall mounted cabinet 8 drawers. The two of them settled Dell 2408 24 "monitors (total resolution of 3840 × 2400). The rest of Matthew put Drobo (external storage) to 4TB, Wii consoles, PS3, printer, uninterruptible power adapters to charge iPad and iPhone, a router. All these gadgets emit a lot of heat, so the boxes are equipped with ventilation.
But it is interesting workplace Fickett two other things. All monitoring of the load on the Mac Pro withdrawn 7 analog meters. Four of them show load nuclei, one counter displays network load (the amount of data sent and received). Two counter display RAM and the use amount of the overall load CPU. There probably is not enough of another counter that shows the temperature. To derive the Mack monitoring data to an analog meter is used Arduino platform.
Another interesting detail - this coverage. Under armchair drawers held LED-strip. They show the movement of colored lights. The speed of this movement depends on the CPU.
For detailed instructions on creating the ideal working place can be found in Blog Matthew Fickett. Although advance, we note that an easy process. You not only have to shell out a tidy sum, but also spend a lot of time searching for components. And most importantly - configuration. This will require deep knowledge in programming.
[via matthew Fickett]