KeyKey - the best typing tutor for OS X
Macos / / December 25, 2019
It is embarrassing to admit, but I'm a man more than 10 years working with the text, not owned by the blind set up so far. And the reason for it is not just my natural laziness, but also the poverty of typing tutor for the Mac. I just could not bear the terrible awkwardness of design and training system available applications. But on the horizon dawn broke, when in my life appeared typing tutor KeyKey.
Sympathy caused the very fact that the authors of the applications have similar problems and they decided them, creating an effective simulator that pleasant to use. And if a person creates something for yourself, make sure you invest in the business his whole soul.
Familiarity with KeyKey
At the start of communication with the user KeyKey gives some simple basics of art touch typing, Describing the enshrined for each finger the keys.
And on the position of the hands on the keyboard.
For learning English are available (two layout QWERTY and DVORAK), Ukrainian and Russian languages.
If, during the lesson, you forget which finger is responsible for the required letter, you will be able to spy on the onscreen keyboard. It will be highlighted in a nice circle.
Statistics application leads a simple and understandable.
But the simulator can not relish the beauty, simplicity and convenience. The philosophy of the learning process - that, because of what the application is recommended to buy.
The chip KeyKey
The thing is that before creating the application, the guys have analyzed a lot of text, in order to know the popularity of words, letters, and the average length of the proposal. On this basis, and six lessons were created.
Lessons are switched automatically, depending on the student's progress. If the user goes smoothly and without error, the complexity increases. And vice versa. Set of letters in the classroom goes on decreasing from the most popular to the most rare. Select any lesson is possible and independently from the menu.
An interesting point is also the principle of formation of a new line, after you press Enter, finishing the previous one. It is formed so as to have had the opportunity to work on the mistakes made earlier.
Something like that I have met only once in an online simulator Keybr.
But on the Web, I found KeyKey comparison only with the famous "Solo on the keyboard"Which we have not yet released for OS X. Once upon a time I was trying to learn blind typing with the "SOLO", but this program convinced me that a blind set my powers.
But KeyKey helped me cope with this prejudice. The reason is that the "Solo" contains 100 lessons that basically meaningless set of letters. The lack of tangible progress is very tired, and killed all the motivation and self-confidence.
The training system and promotion KeyKey is constructed so that the user always sees the progress and enthusiasm to move on, with each lesson is convinced that he will succeed.
Development plans KeyKey
Developers are not going to stop and promised that the next version will be:
- Lessons with capital letters.
- Lessons from the major punctuation marks: period, comma, dash, question and exclamation marks, colons, semicolons.
- Version of training with the Backspace key when all the bugs will need to be washed.
- Internal statistics - KeyKey begin to save the results of your activities, and developers will only have beautiful is to issue in a future version.
- Small interface improvements.
Probably also the appearance of new languages and the possibility to insert your own text.
Summarizing all written above, we can say that typing tutor KeyKey He deserves the title of a personal trainer, individually engaged with you. So, if you want to master the skill of touch typing with ten fingers or once lost faith in their abilities, KeyKey will become your indispensable assistant, which will bring you to victory end.
Price: 379 rubles