Yoga for Runners: inverted postures
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
The week began with a discussion of flexibility, so we decided to continue this topic. Today's post about the inverted (inversion) positions, which can be useful for runners, especially after workouts. After all, it is not difficult to spend only two or three minutes after a long run on an easy and pleasant cool down, which will speed up the recovery, right?
Why Yoga
Before you go directly to these five asanas, let us remember why it is so important not to forget about stretching. After the runners do not need to sit down on the string, to stand on the bridge or perform other elements of gymnastics, why is it so important not to forget about the flexibility of the body, and why still yoga?
Even without special investigations and new discoveries by British scientists after the first lesson is clear, why you should be given simple exercises from yoga at least 5 minutes a day. Yoga accelerates the process of getting rid of the extra kilos, relieves pain in the body after exercise, significantly It reduces the risk of cross-country injuries, improves running performance and gives a lot of other physical benefits. As for the psychological bonuses, then they should be referred to get rid of stress, control of emotions, improve memory and concentration.
What is the best workout plan
Yoga, like any physical activity, has different levels of difficulty and stress. Since cross-country training are paramount, yoga should plan depending on your running load. For example, if you have a complex and lengthy races, which spent a lot of time and effort for yoga to choose exercises that will help as much as possible to relax and recover. If you have a week of vacation with the so-called run in a light pace, yoga can opt for something more complex.
Dog muzzle downward (Adho Mukha Shvanasana) It helps the body restore lost energy and reduces fatigue, develop speed and lightness in the feet, relieves pain in the heel and ankle strengthening.
Legs raised on the wall (Urdhva Prasarita Padasana) eases pain in the back, stretching the bottom of the spine, gives rest weary legs and, as a bonus, removes excess fat from the abdomen.
Reception on the shoulders (Salamba Sarvangasana) considered one of the most useful, important and at the same time simple poses, as it has beneficial effects on the whole body, improving blood flow to the brain, eyes and skin, stimulates of thyroid and parathyroid glands, improves the functioning of the digestive and reproductive systems, as well as that it is very important for runners, gives the necessary rest the heart muscle and relieves fatigue with feet.
Twine standing (Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana) It tones the muscles of the pelvis and thighs and develops mobility of joints.
The slope forward in a standing position (Uttanasana) calms the heart, pulls back and body healthy spinal nerves, relieves depression and soothes.
All exercises should be done very carefully and gradually. Lean as much as your body allows.
Have a good evening!