Is at home: 9 exercises with paper plates
Health / / December 19, 2019
This training facility once again shows us that physical exercise is not necessarily the presence of clever simulators, iron piles and sports complexes. It is possible to perform the exercises at home. The main thing - to have a clear goal, a strong desire to achieve it, will power, a little free time... and even, perhaps, a couple of paper plates;)
The essence of this method (gliding) lies in the fact that all the movements made in the sliding of the hands or feet on the floor. At the same time participate in the work of almost all muscle groups, well developed balance, speed, endurance, and seem to be the usual and familiar exercises open in a new way.
On sale there are special discs for glaydinga, but can successfully replace their conventional disposable plates. Best fit is paper, but for different surfaces and you can experiment with other materials and even a towel, importantly, that it was sliding.
1. The abutment lying down and back
Take a standing position so that the toes were on the disks. Sit as far as possible, place your hands on the floor, both legs slide back so that you have taken the position of emphasis lying. Immediately begin to reverse the sliding movement of the feet to the chest, then straighten its original standing position. Repeat 15 times.
2. Pushups with feet sliding back
Take a sitting position, with the toes on the disks, hands rest on the floor at a distance greater than the width of the shoulders. Slide your feet backwards and to the side, so they formed the letter of the V, while falling on the hands to the floor. Make the reverse movement, wrung his hands on the floor and pulling his legs to his chest. Make a total of 10 repetitions.
3. Sliding feet into a lunge
Various attacks are an excellent way of forming thighs, this "sliding" version loads almost all the muscles of the lower body.
The original rack in a deep lunge, front right leg, left leg straight back rests on the disc. Pull your left foot forward, keeping your knees together and then quickly pull back to its original position. Do 15 reps on each leg.
4. Pushups with sliding arms
This exercise trains the fine muscles of the arms, chest and around the body.
Take a normal position for push-ups, the palm rest on wheels. Start ups, during which one arm slides forward, while the other bends and moves back slightly. This exercise is not used to seem quite complicated, so perhaps we should start leaning his knees on the floor. Repeat 15 times changing hands.
5. Raising the body using hands
Normally, the body lifting from a prone position is used for press training. However, in this modification are also back muscles and arms.
Starting position lying on his back, arms out to the sides, legs extended. Lift the body, pushing and helping himself with his hands, which make with the sliding motion. The arms should remain straight and palms pressed to the floor. Keep your back straight. Do 15 repetitions.
6. Sliding side lunges
These sliding movements of the legs are perfect for working out the inner and outer thighs, buttocks, back and press.
Transfer the body weight on the right leg, left toe rests on the disc. Make a sliding movement of the left foot to the side, while the hands are doing the movement, resembling the movement of the skater. Then return the leg back, making the opposite movement of the hands. Repeat 15 times for the left leg, and then 15 to the right.
7. Lifting the body from a prone position
The purpose of this exercise - muscles of the abdomen and thighs.
Sit down, hands behind head, straight spine. Legs bent at the knees, heels pressed against the discs. Straighten foot forward and slightly to the side, while lowering straight back on the floor. Then raise the body back, simultaneously bending the leg to the starting position. Do 15 repetitions.
8. Swimming
Where you have to work hard to your arms, shoulders and the entire back of the case.
Lie face down with outstretched legs shoulder width apart, toes on the floor, arms stretched forward, palms on the disks. With the help of the back muscles as much as possible, lift the chest off the floor, while describing a circle hands on the sides like a swimmer's movements. Then the hands slide forward, and the body is lowered to its original position. Repeat 15 times.
9. legs pulling up in the emphasis lying
It is a popular exercise in sliding is much more fun.
Starting position - lying strip-ups, socks on the disks. Bend your left knee to the left arm, trying to sum up the knee as close to your hand. Quickly move the left foot back to perform a movement of the right foot. Repeat a total of 20 times, alternating sides.
Want more exercises with improvised means? Watch this training complex with a towel.
As well we have a whole a series of articles devoted to the home and office street workout.