How not to burn out at work: the secret of Ernest Hemingway
Work And Study / / December 25, 2019
Ernest Hemingway once shared the main secret that helps him in his work:
Always stop when the process comes easily. Do not think and do not worry about the work until will return to it the next day. Your subconscious mind will work all the time. But if you really think about consciously, you will destroy it. And your brain will be tired even before starting work.
Ernest Hemingway
Why do I need to stop?
You need to do the job, because you have deadline. You work, work, work... you fall asleep and wake up with the same idea. You head goes to work, and this is counterproductive. You take everything to heart. You will grow together with the work. Taking it to the house, you allow it to invade your privacy. Bind them hand and foot.
Stop when the process goes easily
So advised to do Hemingway himself followed this rule.
Often catch myself thinking about what could work an hour more, perform a few more tasks? Stop. Do not do this. Put all these things for tomorrow. Do not recycle. In addition, tomorrow you will do.
How can stop thinking about work?
When Hemingway was asked how he manages to not worry about the matter, he replied as follows:
Just do not think about it. To suppress thoughts about the job. Learn to switch attention to something else.
In fact, his advice is not unusual or magical. You just need to learn to think when you do not need it. Take a break for something. Meditation, reading, Running - way to choose. It makes no sense to break over the head with something? Well, then do not waste this strength.
Listen to your inner voice and Be able to stop in time.