How to do lists and not be distracted by nonsense
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
not be productive so easy. But if they could make to-do lists, to help themselves not to be distracted and configured correctly, it is possible to perform most of the planned business.
Here are seven simple tricks that experts advise business and time management.
1. Keep a to-do list for the next day in the evening
If in the morning at work, you have no idea what you need to deal with today, chances are you will spend the day, sprayed into small inconsequential things. Try making a list of cases even in the evening, then the next morning you will know exactly what to do.
Plan your estimated time on each task in order to make it easier to keep to the schedule (and do not forget to include a couple of breaks). The most important things can mark a star or still somehow identify.
2. Do not start the day with e-mail
Do not get distracted on the morning emailBetter to immediately proceed to the first case in its list. A highlight on the analysis of the mail for half an hour, for example at 11:00 and 15:00. So you can do a lot more.
And if you can not answer all calls and emails at once, just put the phone in silent mode and turn off notification.
3. Immediately grasp the complex
We often start the day with small tasks, postponing the execution of the most important things for later, but then so we just stretch unpleasant foretaste and increase stress. It is better to immediately grasp the fact that you do not want to do, and enjoy a sense of pride when you're done. The remaining cases will now go like clockwork.
4. Save time at meetings
If you have such an opportunity, bends at the meeting just enough time to have time to discuss everything. Invite only those who really need to be present.
Do not waste time at the oral explanation. It is better to provide the information in writing. If all pre-written outlines the basic information, the meeting itself would be left alone to make decisions and not be taken away so much time.
5. Cheer yourself
When we doubt ourselves, we begin to avoid difficulties. So try to cheer yourself and believe that you do your best. Remember the last time you successfully completed some challenging project. So it will be easier to start and do not want prokrastinirovat.
6. Take breaks
Of course, we all want to work day was the most productive, and sometimes we are even ashamed to take breaks. However, short breaks are necessary. They will help to reboot brain and gain strength and do more when you are returned to work.
Try a well-known method is to not forget the breaks Pomodoro (25 minutes working, 5 minutes rest). Or any other method. The main thing - constantly observed. More help expand, blocking access to certain sites such as Facebook, "VKontakte".
7. At the end of the day discard list
If you have not done anything that was planned for the day, do not leave this unfinished list for tomorrow. He only will reduce your morale. Dispose of such a list and make a new one, which enable today unfinished business and new items.