What distracted during your job search time: 7 Ways prokrastinirovat usefully
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Respite in job search time does not necessarily mean lost time. These seven lessons will not only escape, but also faster to find a job.
We all know this feeling. You are looking for work and are going to reward yourself with 20 minutes Snapchat or Pokémon GO for each sent separately. But those 20 minutes turned into 2 hours and now, you do not have time to blink, the day ended, and you responded to only one vacancy. Sadly. And why only the organization of time is given with so much difficulty?
But if procrastination to go correctly, it can help you in your job search. When will be going for the fifth time in an hour (not that you thought, of course) to check their accounts in social networks, use one of these seven tips.
1. Determine your type of personality
Who you are: Administrator (ISTJ), or may be, an activist (ENFP)? Famous Briggs - Myers test I will answer this question. Knowing your type, you will be able to better identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as to pick an activity that is right for you. In addition, 89 out of 100 of the Fortune used this test for the selection of prospective candidates, so that you can prepare in advance.
Posvolski Smiley (Smiley Poswolsky), writerI think, to know their strengths is very important. We need to understand what you like to do, what are your interests and talents that you would like a change. In addition, it is important to remember that self-examination will help you to choose the environment in which you will feel best.
2. Uber in the workplace
according to researchMcMains S., Kastner S.Interactions of top-down and bottom-up mechanisms in human visual cortex. scientists, distracted by clutter and reduces the brain's ability to process information efficiently. It is quite possible that the chaos in your room or on your desk distracts you from productive job search. Spend 30 minutes trying to do the cleaning. The effect will surprise you.
3. Tidy your profiles on social networks
84% of recruiters have recognizedUsing Social Media for Talent Acquisition-Recruitment and Screening. That they are browsing the profiles of candidates in social networks, before you send the invitation to the interview. What exactly is the employer will see by logging on to your page is up to you.
Smiley PosvolskiIt is important to remember that your posts - it is a reflection of your personality and your interests. Unless the party photos on your page, then the employer will perceive you accordingly.
So, even if your profile is extremely personal, try to recall and remove all non-professional photos, and messages. Page now seems empty? Demonstrate interest in the desired position. Start by listing all the courses you professional skills and work experience, certificates, as well as events and workshops that you attend.
4. meditate
Job search often causes stress, and sometimes all, what you want at the end of the day, it is to tear his hair. Yoga, meditation, or even deep breaths for two minutes a day will help to significantly reduce the level of anxiety.
Bruzesse Anita (Anita Bruzzese), journalistMeditation - a wonderful habit that is worth to have in his youth. It not only helps you to clear the mind and composure during a job search time, but also useful in his future career.
5. Get rid of repetitions
Abused in the summary of the different clichés, but missing important details? Maybe it's time to review the tactics? Copy your cover letters and messages counter repetitions to learn what words you use most often.
6. Compare your successes and failures
Record three recent success in finding a job (for example, you have successfully passed the interview) and the last three failures (for example, you refused). What do you notice? There are some general trend?
Smiley PosvolskiConsider this study. If you constantly get waivers, should think about it. Perhaps you do not have the necessary skills, which means that it is worth trying to get them to the seminars or courses.
7. Look TED lecture
For example, speech blogger Tim Urban (Tim Urban) on procrastination. Maybe it will change your views on this phenomenon and make not to be distracted from the job search.