How to survive a nuclear explosion?
Survival / / December 23, 2019
Humanity, democracy and disarmament - everything is fine, but nuclear weapons has not been canceled, so that everyone has a chance to see in my lifetime stunningly bright mushroom. However, in most cases this will be the last spectacular moment in your life.
Love of life, in any case, make you fight to the lastAnd it is better to know in advance how to do it. So, just in case, to a nuclear explosion did not catch you by surprise.
Despite the fact that in our country all the time talking about the collapse of the army and all-all-all, early detection systems and GO are still working. You will not die in the dark, of course, if you will. When there is a real threat, horns hanging on the street corners and houses come to life, proving that they - not a meaningless decoration, and working devices. After that, through them tell ATTENTION ALL, and more about the threat, for example, about the nuclear missile attack.
So if you hear strange sounds, calling for attention, or try to understand, that is transmitted through the horns or turn on the radio and television. Across all channels is guaranteed to be the same.
A voice from the speaker at the same time to say, where to go and what to do to survive. You will hear how many have gone.
All the ground
Once through the horns began to pass a fascinating lecture, you have, at the worst scenario, the remaining ten minutes. You can manage to pray, mentally forgive all or reach the metro. You have to run quickly - five minutes after the signal to close the subway.
Working air-raid shelters, remaining from the Soviet era - a luxury that you will appreciate, if you're lucky to be with him in such a significant moment. If the next bomb shelter - do not run to the subway.
In all other cases, suitable basements, for example, the basement of your house or the one in which you are allowed. The main thing - do not look at the fungus. Without a doubt, just an incredible sight and worthy of remembrance for all the remaining days or a day, but his eyes were blinded by it. So hide in the shade during the explosion and at least two weeks, you will live also. Do not worry - you will experience sharp enough and so.
What are our refuge?
Since the late seventies XX century to the present time shelter constructed for ordinary citizens that can withstand the shock pressure of 0.1 MPa -type A-IV. Now these are built not only for ordinary people, and in general for all.
Most durable and safe havens calculated by 0.5 MPa - a Type A-I. Slightly weaker variants A-II and A-III 0.3 and 0.2 MPa, respectively. But do not quite rubbing their hands, if across the street from your house asylum A-I. Just as it would not be built, most likely close to have a strategic object, and it is not gud - it will try to destroy in the first place.
Beginning in the late fifties, built refuge only 0.15 MPa and 0.3 MPa, but the pre-war buildings generally are not designed for a nuclear explosion. But still meet the explosion of a better way than in the field, and if the shelter does not have rotted with age, a wave of 0.1-0.2 MPa, it may be, and will stand.
Where safer when nowhere safe?
In the sixties, we have built a shelter fifth grade - 0.05 MPa, the fourth - 0.1 MPa, and the third - at 0.4-0.5 MPa. Still build a shelter of the second and first classes in the metro and special bunkers. Metro station at a depth of about 20 meters - it is the second class, and they can withstand not only the air blast, but land up to 10-15 kilotons, even if he's around. Stations and tunnels at a depth of 30 meters - the first class that can withstand explosions up to 100 kilotons.
Should not explode just above the refuge, and somewhere a few hundred meters away on the ground.
And yet - even if you hid in the first-class refuge in the deepest metro station, not the fact that everything will be fine. The explosion on the ground seismic waves diverge and all underground structures thoroughly shakes. So the people in the subway can be a painful blow on the walls, equipment and other hard surfaces.
Before the run ...
On the first day after the explosion, the most lucky slender and athletic - it will be easier to scoot away from the epicenter. Remember, on your speed depends on the rest of your life, its quantity and quality.
But if you are lucky enough to survive the explosion itself, do not run away without looking back, in slippers and with a cat in her arms. Be sure to bring all important documents that would show the police, the military, government officials and all those who still survived in your city or came from another.
Undocumented refugees begin their lives with the filtration camps, and if you are not attracted by this prospect, do not forget to grab your passport in a panic. Money, by the way, too, will not be superfluous, reach for the last nest egg, it is unlikely you will return home soon.
When you climb out of the ground?
When the explosions are no longer heard, the earth does not shake and nothing falls, gets a choice - vylazit or even sit. If you are in the shelter, not destroyed and plundered, you have food and air, can sit until all this is over. On the first day after a nuclear explosion on the surface radiation level is such that the protein of the body it does not live.
Half-life - no joke, it works, and works for you. The longer sit in the basement, the safer it will come out. So if before the explosion or shortly after you have a car or even a bicycle, but there is a bunker with a meal, choose the latter.
Run Forrest Run
If you can not sit in the basement - no food and no air ends have to run fast, while you still can do it. If there is a gas, it is necessary to get out more quickly, so as not to fry. However, the gas here is not the decisive factor - the city on fire, and death from it is much faster than from radiation. If a basement is completely swamped, will soon become difficult to breathe, if on the contrary - disorganized, it will not save you from radiation.
The most terrible dose of radiation close to the epicenter, and if you're still alive, you're far enough away from him. The first time radiation will hang high in the atmosphere, so that you have all the chances to react quickly and get away from the danger zone as far as possible.
Got out, and then what?
The first thing to do - to determine the location of the debris from the blast was. Thereafter, with the greatest possible speed is removed in the opposite direction. Do not go with the wind - in the first few days after the explosion of a particular threat will be dust spread by the wind. At this time, it contains the primary products of decomposition and secondary sources, so if it falls into respiratory or digestive organs, it will have fatal consequences - the radiation penetrates into the vital vital organs.
Immediately think of protection for the respiratory system, if there is no respirator, cover your mouth and nose with a cloth, and in any case not breathe mouth. Do not eat. Do not eat food, drink water, you can only tap, in an extreme case - the flow, but only if it does not flow from the explosion.
Generally, the faster you go, the greater the chance of survival, so it is better not to have a rest. But if you run out of power, at least you can not sit and lie on the ground, and it is desirable to avoid the lowlands.
And finally - if it starts to rain, hide anywhere but he did not hit on you.
Again listen
When (if) you get out of town because he was out of sight, turn on the radio and listen to what good to say. Once say about public service points, go there. When (if) you dobredete to the place, pass inspection and will show their foresight captured documents can congratulate yourself - you survived. You will eat all the issued medications, discard outer garments, and will hope for the best.