Klok for iOS - a free widget with interactive time zone converter
Ios / / December 23, 2019
From the native app "Watches» Klok is different in that not only shows how much different time in the time zone of your current, but also lets you know this without counting. You can also check the local time in different cities. All this can be done in the Notification Center.
The application performs only the role settings after installation it is necessary to look only once. All you need to do - is to select the city you are interested in and a clock (analog or digital). There is an option to select a city to sort not from east to west and vice versa.
The database Klok only the capital and big cities, so if the city will not need you need to select the closest of the same time zone. You can add up to five cities, since more of the widget does not fit. If you still need more and more cities, then you can run "clock."
Widget looks quite neat and minimalistic. Presented black and white dial, depending on the time of day, abbreviated city names above and symbols AM / PM at the bottom. When you switch to a digital time display mode is changed to 24-hour format.
The fun starts when tap on the one of the dials. Thereafter, the strip appears with time stamps, which shows the time in different time zones by using the selected city as a reference point. Just a couple of clicks you can find out the exact time in one or another part of the world, not only on your local time, but also any other city.
No counting - instant results! We must pay tribute to the developers, the idea and the realization of the widget are simply magnificent. The only thing you can complain about, and then adjusted for Russian users - it is less than the standard number of hours the cities and their abbreviated names in the widget.
Klok is completely free without any restrictions. Separate iPad-version it does not, however, usually work fine and fully perform its tasks.