Free apps and discounts App Store April 25
Ios / / December 22, 2019
Do not miss the most interesting shares on the application for your iPhone, iPad and Mac. Only the best of the day!
Apps for iOS
YConvert PRO
Functional converter with a user friendly interface. With YConvert PRO you can convert in no time hundreds of different values from more than 10 categories, including the length, weight, pressure, time, and many others.
Application for art processing photos that allows for color accents. Depello able to create interesting stories, discoloring all objects in the frame, except the main.
Games for iOS
Space Marshals 2
The continuation of a favorite of many of the tactical shooter with Space Cowboys. You have to lead a team of marshals who are fighting against the most notorious criminals of space and any alien scum. The game is an interesting surprise setting, thought-out tactical component and a sufficiently deep gameplay.
The beautiful adventure game, earning numerous awards. You play as a one-armed girl Sasha, which will have to cut their way through monsters and terrifying world in search of his family. In addition to battles, Severed have puzzles and elements of RPG.
Planescape: Torment
Lovely mobile port of the cult RPG, which is considered one of the best representatives of the genre. Playing for the Nameless, you will explore the world inhabited by strange creatures Planescape, to understand his past. For this purpose will have to walk a lot, communicate and build relationships with game characters, achieving the desired result mainly by diplomacy rather than violence.
Price: 749 rubles