“Translator in the field of professional communication (English)” - course 150,000 rubles. from MSU, training 112 weeks. (28 months), Date: December 1, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
Program volume (academic hours): 1500 (768 classroom hours in distance learning format)
Form of study: full-time, distance learning with full-time certification
Issued document: Diploma from Moscow State University on professional retraining with the assignment of additional qualifications INTERPRETER
Admission requirements: students, undergraduates and graduate students of the Faculty of Soil Science are accepted
Program Manager: Head. Department of English for Natural Sciences, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Professor Lidiya Valerianovna Polubichenko;
Responsible for additional education: Timofeeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Email: [email protected], tel. 8 (903) 22-33-99-2, 8(495)939-22-33
Who is this course for?
For all students at the Faculty of Soil Science in programs at any level of higher education and who want to add to acquired professional competencies, new translation competencies, thereby expanding the capabilities of your employment.
What will you learn?
You can
- significantly improve your level of proficiency in general and academic English in all four types of speech activities (reading, speaking, listening and writing);
- master the system of stylistic norms of oral and written literary English in comparison with Russian;
- acquire stable skills in specialized English-Russian and Russian-English written and (to a lesser extent) oral translation, annotation and summarizing skills;
- get acquainted with current phenomena of modern political, economic, scientific and cultural development the most significant English-speaking countries, knowledge of which is necessary for the successful implementation of intercultural mediation.
How are classes going?
The program has the most practical orientation: 77% of classes are workshops and seminars, lectures are interactive and require high student involvement in the lesson. The program ends with a final certification in the form of the State Interdisciplinary Qualifying Examination in English and translation, consisting of written (translation from English into Russian of scientific and popular science texts) and oral (abstract translation into English a course work written in Russian on translation analysis, presentation and discussion of its results in English) parts.
Entry requirements for applicants to the Translator program from external faculties and educational institutions:
Proficiency in English at level B1+/B2 and successful completion of an entrance test consisting of two stages:
1) written - lexico-grammatical test;
2) oral - transmission of the content of an audio text listened to twice and a conversation with the teacher on general and professional topics.
Only graduates of the specialties 06.03.02 “Soil Science” and 03/05/06 "Ecology and environmental management" (or students currently studying in these specialties time).
Students, postgraduate students and graduates of the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov do not pass the entrance test.
Basics of English Language Theory
Theory of language: subject, scope and specifics of the discipline
Morphology as a branch of grammar
Noun and its categories
Verb and its categories
Adjective and its categories
Adverb and its categories
Pronoun: ranks and categories
Functional parts of speech
Syntax as a branch of grammar
Syntactic sentence structure in English and
Russian languages
Communicative structure of a sentence as part of a text
Lexicology: subject and problems
Semantic phenomena and processes in vocabulary
The vocabulary of the language, its systematic development and replenishment
Linguistic culture of English-speaking peoples in the context of the natural geographical environment
Great Britain
Practical English course
1 Travel, trust and tourism
Present and Past forms. Verb patterns. Used to and would
2 Faster, higher, stronger
Determiners and Adjectives. Gerund and Infinitive forms
3 It's not rocket science
Passive Voice. Passive: advanced structures
4 Adapt to survive
Modal verbs
5 Outside the box
Future tenses. Verb patterns. Conditionals
6 Lend a helping hand
Relative Clauses. Particular Clauses
7 Life changing
Past Ability. Emphatic Structures
Natural science projects: presentation and discussion
Presentation structure
Presentation text
Public speaking
Presentation genres
Monologue and dialogic speech
Translation theory
The science of translation: object, subject, tasks.
Hermeneutical aspects of translation.
Ontological aspects of translation.
Semiotic aspects of translation.
Pragmatic aspects of translation.
Linguistic aspects of translation.
Methodological aspects of translation.
Axiological aspects of translation.
Grammatical difficulties in translation
Lexical and grammatical meanings of language units. Their transfer during translation
Determining the part-speech affiliation of words in the text
Noun. Article
Verb: some forms and functions that are difficult to translate
Verb: impersonal forms
Verb: conditionals and subjunctive mood
Types of predicates
Adjective. Adverb
Pronoun. Functional parts of speech
Types of connections between words in a sentence
Categorical approach to the analysis of phrases
Members of the sentence
Word order in an English sentence
Analysis of complex sentences and placement of signs
Text construction
Comparative stylistics of Russian and English languages
The concept of style in linguistics and translation studies
Special theories of translation: functional styles and translatological types of texts
Scientific style
Formal business style
Journalistic style
Conversational style
Art style
The formation of new functional styles: church and religious, advertising, Internet communications
English language major
Higher education in Russia and abroad
Soil and its properties
Soil fertility
Chemistry, physics and biology of soils
Soil organic matter
Soil formation
Ecology as a science
Basic environmental principles and concepts
Freshwater ecology
Ecology of sushi
Applied and technological aspects of ecology
Writing scientific articles in English
Practical translation course in the field of life and earth sciences
Professional ethics of a translator
Translation stages. Pre-translation text analysis
Translation Strategies
Lexical matches
Lexical translation transformations
Grammatical correspondences: morphology
Grammar matches: syntax
Scientific vs popular science literature
Post-translation analysis
Practical advice for a novice translator
Information and communication technologies translated into ICT. Definition and place in the system of professional competencies.
Stages of the translation workflow.
Preparation of materials for translation and editing.
ABBYY FineReader.
Translation Memory technology, translation using CAT programs. Introducing SmartCAT.
Implementation of the Customer's project.
SmartCat. How to create and connect a TM.
SmartCat. How to create and connect glossaries.
Automation of work in MS Word.
MS PowerPoint. Main features. Features of translation of presentations.
Computer lexicography.
Internet in the work of a translator.
Corpus-based services.
Academic English
Scientific text: features and symptoms
Scientific style among other speech styles
Scientific style: intra-style differentiation and scientific substyles
Grammatical features of academic style: morphology
Grammatical features of academic style: syntax
Lexical features of academic style
Oral academic speech
Written academic speech
Translation of instructions for devices and equipment
Types of instructions
Instruction structure
Extralinguistic information in instructions
Studying vocabulary frequently used in instructions
Main stages of translation
Pre-translation text analysis
Rules for analyzing sentences during translation
Studying vocabulary frequently used in instructions
Stylistic features of the instruction text
Concepts of norm and language usage
Methods of pragmatic adaptation of translation
Current division of the proposal
Studying vocabulary frequently used in instructions
Lexical and grammatical transformations
Methods for translating abbreviations
Unit conversion
Translation of multi-component terms
Studying vocabulary frequently used in instructions
Translation of texts in scientific official style
Official business style texts as a separate type of texts for translation
Translation of a business letter
Translation of documents for grants
Translation of documents for portfolio
Translation of patents
Translation of contracts
Oral and written abstracting from English into Russian
Listening as a tool for developing skills
Features of the sounding speech of speakers of British and
American English
Basic principles of oral abstracting of scientific text
Oral abstracting technologies in the context of natural sciences
Summarizing oral scientific texts of various genres: development of practical skills
Summarizing oral popular science texts of different genres: development of practical skills
State interdisciplinary exam in English language and translation
Includes preparation of final qualification work and its defense in English
119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, building 12, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Soil Science
Lomonosovsky Prospekt