Pavel Durov, "It is time to close the personal information"
Web Services Ios / / December 21, 2019
We offer you fastPavel Durov, Creator of the social network and messenger TelegramOn our favorite site In it, he talks about the need to pay more attention to personal data (especially on social networks!)
Never before in human history, communication has not been so easy and affordable. And never before so easy and accessible was not total surveillance. The revelations of Edward Snowden confirmed what all and so guessed: the American intelligence services intercept and decode them available to Internet traffic under the pretext of fighting terrorism.
Every year, accidents in the bathroom dying thousands of times more people than terrorist attacks. But if tomorrow the US intelligence agencies or other countries decide to install video cameras in our bathrooms to "our own security," we do we glue their lenses. Because our personal lives - none of their business.
I am far from politics and can not lobby for restrictions on total surveillance. But there is something that we - IT-entrepreneurs and programmers - can do. We can develop and finance technologies aimed at the fact that the total surveillance has become technically impossible. So we will be able to stick the lens of global camcorder called PRISM, and not only him.
Last year I supported the "Wikipedia" because it seemed to me that the world needs more openness of information. Today, it seems to me that the problem with openness information relegated to second place; now is the time to close the personal information.
Therefore, some of the money once received from the sale of the "VKontakte", this year I donated the creation of non-profit foundation Digital Fortress, whose mission - to secure the financing of technology communication.
Frankly, the main reason for this decision - selfishness. I always wanted to have a method of transmitting information using which I could be sure that even full-time systems administrator or developer can not get access to my messages. Not to mention the hundreds of employees of ISPs, which are potentially available to my messages whenever I post them on WhatsApp server.
Fortunately, the technology needed to secure mass communication have been developed. Using Diffie - Hellman encryption and other technologies at the device level (end-to-end encryption) allows you to once again make our personal data is really personal. This is not just theory. Yesterday I showed the implementation of these ideas in the upcoming security updates messenger, supported Digital Fortress. Yesterday, the first time I sent a message that can not read no one except me and the recipient.
It was a great feeling. And I hope that the efforts of programmers and IT-entrepreneurs from around the world, this feeling will soon be available to everyone.
By the way, iOS owners can already test Telegram, which relies Durov.
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