Quintura, A company with headquarters in the United States and a development center in the Moscow region, is engaged in search technology. Wide range of users it is probably not very well known, but the geeks have probably heard about it.
feature of the technology is that the web is constructed index based on contextual connections between words. For example, when a user enters a query "Moscow" will Quintura cloud similar queries - "attraction", "billboard" "News", etc. I can not say I became a fan of the visual search, but later similar experiments carried out and Google. They called You Google Wonder Wheel.
Quintura has recently released the first application for the iPhone and iPad - Quintura-kids. The program is marketed as "safe children's visual search and a browser on the Internet."
Immediately after starting the application child sees cloud queries. By clicking on one of the words, my child will receive the search results page. In addition, you can enter a query with the keyboard. Search results are filtered, links to inappropriate content is not among them. It does seem to be working well. Anyway me during testing links to porn does not come across.
Unfortunately, at this Quintura dignity and end. The first drawback - price. The only reason why a person would want to establish yourself application - is the inability to use the site directly in Safari - Quintura cloud shows queries using flash, which on iPads not. And, surprisingly, "adult" search works without a flush, ie, mobile special application is required.
Quintura app itself - is very simple, it is not clear what is worth paying. Google distributes your app for free, and because it also has safe search (to be included in the settings), and voice control (but in English).
The second drawback - the history of queries is not conducted in the Quintura. Parents may not know what their children are interested. Meanwhile, if you look at the search and content applications, there is almost always a History (for example, see. Google and IMDB).
Quintura Kids buy-in can App Store $ 1.99 (this promotional price valid until 31 August. Then, perhaps, it will be more expensive).