GTD serving blogger
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
The Web Worker Daily there was a note on how to blog "stress-free". The author Leo Babauta (Leo Babauta) came to the conclusion that bloggers can successfully apply GTD David Allen's system for keeping a network diary. Some points in the article struck me as interesting.
The first step of using GTD bloggers should be to collect all information that comes to him - ideas for articles, e-mails, rooms phones, tasks, etc. It is better to use one folder "Inbox", so if you have multiple e-mail addresses - set automatic redirection.
Next step GTD - process (Process) or treatment. Now, when everything goes into one folder "Incoming", you can start processing data. Work costs up until the folder "Inbox" will not be empty. Starting treatment with better email (readers' comments, letters, statistics and the like), respond to messages, archive important, redirect, if necessary, remove unnecessary etc. If any task requires you more than two minutes, add it to the list Context. On reader comments and emails to respond better to (if you plan to answer).
An important part of the application is the organization GTD bloggers storage tasks. The use of only one context (eg, "online") can lead to the fact that you are working with a very long list.
So sometimes it is more convenient to have several types of contexts. Blogerstvo will be more effective if you use the other task lists - current projects, blogs, expectations Answer etc. You can store ideas for future articles, links to information that will be used later.
Often, trying to use the GTD, people spend a lot of time on the system itself, a variety of tools instead of working. Therefore, bloggers should spend time on a direct writing articles, commenting and improving the blog.
Considering the possibility of using GTD bloggers, Web Worker Daily article suggest regarded as projects. At first glance this seems excessive, because the note remains memo. However, on closer examination it becomes noticeable that when writing the post falls do some work - to conduct a study to find a graphic, choose the link for the reader etc.
Leo Babauta Council also once a week to check your system to make sure that the folder "Inbox" is empty, the calendar is not missed events, and the head free from the many details on the operation of the blog, the issue of advertising on the future plan of the article, the things that you want to check and etc.
An interesting point may be and preparing a weekly review notes in the blog. Something like that is practiced by many popular resources that are frequently updated.