5 reasons to learn English
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Every day I meet dozens of people who want to speak in English. They know what they do, they have the motivation, determination, and an irresistible urge. I also meet people who seem to want to learn the language, but do not fully understand that they will give it and how English can change their lives.
And in this article I want to talk to you about what changes may occur in your life, if you decide to learn the language.
1. self-development
Now every day you go to work, performing the usual duties after work doing household chores and meet with friends. After graduating from high school and university, our brain starts to work in a relaxed mode, since it is no longer needed remember a lot of new terms, you do not need to handle a lot of information, and as a result, he starts degrade. Yes, you are not heard.
Nothing is more trains our brains, like learning a new language. After a couple of weeks you will notice that you have improved memory, The ability to perceive and organize information. And a month later you will become more organized and less lazy.
2. Career
Maybe now you are running a conventional manager, and do not see the possibility of raising. Maybe your company does not even require knowledge of English. But be that as it may, you can not know what will happen tomorrow. Maybe you call a friend, and will call to work on a foreign project, or you decide to change your life for yourself and throw the hated work for a new, more interesting and well-paid.
What I mean? Knowledge of English is a must play a crucial role in the development of your career, or at least would be a great addition.
3. Love
Everyone knows that love for all ages. I'd add that it obedient to all cities, countries, continents and nationalities. You never know where you will meet your destiny: in the store around the corner or on the other side of the world. It is impossible to predict whether it will be your colleague or romantic Italian, or maybe a serious German or Norwegian blonde ...
I have met many international couples while traveling and I can say with certainty that it is the knowledge of English has helped these people to find each other and it is infinite happiness.
4. Security travels
Many people learn English in order to feel comfortable in traveling, to be able to ask for directions, meet new people and have a good time. It is certainly right! But let's talk more about security. If you suddenly something happens, how will you explain to the doctor what you have pain? And if your child becomes ill, you can ask for help, not knowing the language?
Only in the last three years of my life, the knowledge of English has saved twenty times and still about the same - my friends who do not know the language and asked me to accompany them to the hospital.
5. An example for your children
Would you like your children to speak 2-3 languages? Would you like to enable them to study at international schools and did not know of the agony when you teach the language itself in adulthood? I am sure that your answers were positive. You and only you are an example to your children and that you can help them learn the language quickly, easily and painlessly!
Dear friends, we have talked only about five main reasons to learn English, but they are actually much more. Stop telling yourself that you do not have the time that you are busy, you do not need it. Finally Begin to learn English and allow radical changes to break into your life!