Competitive position: ELLE Russia for iPad - all about fashion, beauty, lifestyle in a convenient format and absolutely free
Makradar Ios / / December 21, 2019
Competition "We give iKnigi for guest posts"Continues. We remind that you can submit your own article until November 12 inclusive.
Posted by: Olesya Baklanov
Paper magazines usually do not read and scroll through. At least the first time. iPad version of the legendary fashion magazine Elle meets these requirements. It's just a pleasure to watch. So nice that you do it with great pleasure on the eyes. "Tablet ElleĀ» allows quick and happy to get acquainted with the main trends of fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Advertising is virtually absent: a couple of pages on the entire magazine.
It is worth to pay tribute to the developers: application works on 5 points. Of course, I do not call the male part of the population to read it, but at least for the sake of interest to see how this is implemented - is worth it. And while you're flipping along with an idea for a gift to a girl (relative, friend) can watch :)
In Elle a lot of different functionality. Sometimes you can do everything at once: the scroll, and poke. Active animation is present, but in moderation. On the first page of the magazine always provides detailed instructions for its use, in particular: what symbols that mean. But in the application, in addition to this, a lot more hidden, but noteworthy elements. They are sometimes not designated, but can interact with the user.
Each room uses its own chips. For example, in November it was a lot of inserts with video. This opens it everywhere in different ways: somewhere in the entire window, somewhere in a mini-version directly on the page. In any case, the video does not start automatically (thank goodness!) And watch it or not, tyknuv the icon - choose only you.
iPad-version of the magazine features extremely unobtrusive. By themselves, the publication looks strictly and even ascetic. If you want the details, it is enough to select the appropriate item on the picture. This allows you to see detail and better, and to learn more information about it.
For fast moving between entries is possible to use a bottom panning, squandering at which each page thumbnails visible. Even more convenient way - use the icon "whole number", which shows the magazine in all its glory. Also, you can quickly return to the library, add a page to your favorites, see the table of contents of the magazine.
Comrades from Elle are very responsible. Problems with the absence or long delay of new numbers does not arise. Moreover, there are additional private rooms, for example, on trends in the autumn, or some fashionable festival. They are also free. And it can not fail to please!
In addition to the ever-changing functional chips, content pleases the diverse and well thought out.
Lastly, I note that in the "tablet ElleĀ» has exclusive content unavailable ordinary readers of the magazine. A number can be preset to upload and watch-read offline.
ELLE Russia for the iPad, free
In the text spelling and punctuation preserved the author.