Rockpack - a new look at the video for iPad
Ios / / December 20, 2019
Video content - one of the most popular formats of modern media. The only problem is that switching between multiple video hosting and streaming services - a dubious pleasure. It is necessary to install several native applications, and in each of them - its structure subscriptions, its configuration, interface, it is necessary to enter / exit constantly... In short, it turns out the same non-intuitive TV, only connecting to the Internet. In the case of the tablet it would be desirable to avoid all this fuss. And iPad owners now have the opportunity.
We are talking about the application, which last week put on a list recommended in the AppStore, - Rockpack. It combines channels and videos from YouTube, Vimeo and several other video hosting sites. What is it like Feedly for video. You choose thematically interesting your content from a variety of channels offered - and 1-click subscribe to it. And just look. No difficulty in selecting and navigating through video: everything here is built on the scrolling back and forth, up and down.
In the main, a list of thematic groups, channels and music videos. Horizontally arranged category of video content, from music and news to short films and educational video-life hacking. Simply choose what you like - and see that is focused on search and sort video quality settings, and other such details.
Rockpack knowingly received good marks from many Western music blogs and mobile applications: they popolzovavshis couple days, you know, that all previous formats and ways of viewing video content to which you are accustomed to, are not comparable with this. In addition, a free application, which means that it is easy to try. Simply install it on your iPad.