The device to save power Electricity Saving Box: savior for the pocket or stuff from the charlatan?
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
Economic turmoil forced each of us to think about reducing expenses. And the last thing I want to indulge in the usual pleasures: food, shopping and going to the movies. So what would be a minor to sacrifice to tighten their belts until he turned into a noose? As long as you consider the difficult choice, it seems that the way is yourself. Kind-a neighbor, colleague or loved helpful sotsialka offers to buy a small box that can reduce the electricity bill. Priborchik inserted into the socket, and the economy begins to please increasing by tens of percent! The evidence base for the effectiveness of advanced technology is based on a review, approve a happy buyer and indisputable videos from YouTube. But is it all good as it presents us with advertising?
Next Layfhaker leads you to an interesting article from burr brigade as part of the surgeon LoneWolf and his assistant operbyPlaced in the original pages of the online publication "Power dispatcher».
Parse device for saving energy
You want to become a true hero of the tale? Is not there some overseas Superman or Spaydermenom, and the most that neither is a real Pinocchio!
And it does not need to go to the Field of Miracles, and buried in the ground 5 gold coins under the cover of night... It is enough to buy here is a device called "Elektrisiti seving boxing" or "Ekonomitel electricity» (Electricity Saving Box).
Then plugging it in (I do not recommend salt sprinkle and pour water categorically), say: "Kreks! Pax! Fax's! "- and all! You - Pinocchio!
In the meantime, our dear Distribuzilio actively promoting boxes with LEDs, which are inserted into the socket and promise "Unreal energy savings" and "spin down counter" play well in the sense of "eternal craving for freebies" our citizens and rubbing their hands. And, of course, it is unrealistic Distribuzilio get profit by buying these boxes for $ 4 in China and selling unsuspecting citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus at $ 40.
So what is inside of this device? I offer a fascinating journey through his insides, to evaluate the prospects of this investment! So, a scalpel - in the hands of the patient - on the table!
The most precious thing in this device is probably the case. Made it solidly: silver, with black inserts and megabliskuchim logo. However, its two halves are held together by only one shurupchikom we twisted easily.
Inside a miracle device, "energy-saving" is an electronic board with a minimal set of components and relatively large "black box", which, as we suspect, is the secret superweapon (Wunderwaffe) in the fight against the consumption of kilowatt-hours! And yet we suspect that this is an ordinary film capacitors.
On the reverse side of the PCB, which is fixed with two screws, as follows:
The whole scheme is established on the circuit board, is designed to do one great miracle - create the necessary conditions for the... burning the two LEDs. And in order to bring more clarity, we present made up a surgical team the concept of this device:
Yes, if it is very generalized, it hides inside a small garland of two LEDs and a large film capacitors. And how big, we also began to wonder, and we measure it is quite a good instrument:
Measurements showed that the black secret capacitor has a capacity of as much as 5.18 microfarad.
After preparation, we again have inserted all the entrails back and sewed the patient. It was decided to try it in practice. Without this, our experiment-analysis would be incomplete. We put in a good megaekonomitel loaded socket.
And... a miracle! LEDs really lit up, as our hopes.
But counter cheeky and confident "cool" the same kilowatt-hours, that without a miracle the connected devices ...
Yet at least some effect had to get from the inclusion of film capacitors in parallel with capacity 5 uF household power. In other words, all the same kind of brilliant idea lay Distribuzilio to somehow justify his cheating gullible Buratin? Reply Direct, capacitance of this capacitor is so small that it will be enough only for reactive power compensation fluorescent 40W lamp.
Yes, you heard right, in addition to the active power (P, W, W), which is converted into useful work (movement, rotation, heating), some devices, such as motors and consume more reactive power (Q, Var, volt-amperes reactive). It is necessary to create an electromagnetic field. So, our stiralka and our refrigerator consumes the power of the network and load it unproductive. If near stiralka or outlet plug in a refrigerator condenser (desired capacity and designed for the required voltage), then our Distinguished engines cooler and stiralki will consume reactive power from the condenser and will not be "load circuit".
Now MEGAVYVOD: counter of active energy installed in your apartment, completely indifferent as reactive power through it will pass. He did not think so.
Again, a well-designed meter active energy takes into account only the active energy that passes through it. So, by setting all the "Magic-energy-seving boxes", you can very slightly to relieve a small section of your wiring on a small fraction of the reactive power. But your efforts your meter does not appreciate.
So do not get fooled by tales Distribuzilio, do not buy film capacitors with LED indication for $ 40, if you certainly do not want to feel like... Pinocchio. )))
Take care of yourself and your money!
instead of a conclusion
We turned to quiz one of the authors of the article. Is it worth trying to answer "bend" the state of the exorbitant growth rates and the devaluation of the ruble, deceiving Electric? Is there any real benefit from energy-efficient appliances?
Of course, it is not necessary. The power system is constantly improving search techniques "thieves." In addition, a fine of ten times the amount of "stolen" dampen any enthusiasm. And most importantly, there are cases of death "Kulibin", try to connect by metering devices. So the game is not worth the candle.
Only buy electrical appliances with high-class itself (closer to the "A"). Electricity will not be cheaper. Therefore, it is a profitable investment.
Alexander Malkov
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