How to rest on the May Day celebrations, so as not to get tired
Miscellaneous / / December 19, 2019
Of course, badminton in the park bears little resemblance to the professional game. But pleasure is not less of it.
In sports, players strive to throw VOLANCHIK in the opponent's half of the field so that he did not have time to recapture. In street badminton, on the contrary, we should as much as possible to keep VOLANCHIK in the air longer. For the missed kick - minus one point.
Takes the pad and Twister roulette and strictly follow the instructions. Roulette will tell you where to put your hands and feet: on the green, red or yellow circles. It seems that nothing complicated. But when the same thing on this little box will make your neighbors, the game will be much more fun.
This game is accuracy: it is necessary to throw the ring on a special rack or tree branches. To make it more interesting, get away from the goal.
Inflate balloons, tape, attach them to the board or to the wall and shoot down one by one. High jinks guaranteed. To make it even more fun, marbles can collect water.
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Mix sugar and olive oil, then add the honey. Take the little finger and the resulting mass in a circular motion rub the lips.
Chop in a blender cup oatmeal diluted with water. Pour the mass into a bowl, add the honey and stir. The finished mask apply on your face and hold for 10-15 minutes.
Mix all the ingredients and the finished mixture is put in a glass jar with a lid. When you take a shower, take a bit of a wet hand scrub and massage to rub the body. Then rinse with water.
Mix pumpkin puree (boil for 15 minutes and grind in a blender), honey and milk. Apply the mask to clean dry skin. Hold on your face for 20 minutes, and when the mixture is dried up - rinse.
Chop the avocado in a blender, mix with honey and butter. Apply the resulting mask on hair from the roots to the ends, and then put on a hat or head shower towel. After 30 minutes, rinse with cool water.
Grind oatmeal in a blender, add honey and mix well. Then gradually add yogurt, all the while stirring the mass. You should get a thick paste. Apply it on your hands evenly, cover with a towel and hold 10-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. To enhance the effect, after the mask apply a hand cream.