3 psychological trick that will teach to save money
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
All people want to save, but not all succeed. A specialist in the study of behavior problems Wendy de la Rosa has been researching the habits that could lead to financial prosperity. In his lectures at TED, she shares the secrets that will help to achieve this.
1. Plan ahead
Wendy and her colleagues found out an interesting fact: people tend to put off a lot more, if you plan it in advance and not at the time when the money is already in their hands.
After filing a tax return in the US citizens return part of the paid taxes, and the money is usually perceived as a nice bonus. Some spend them on spontaneous purchases, while others are used for savings.
The study, which appeared in two groups, learned people, what part of the returned taxes they plan to be postponed. It is noteworthy that those who answered the question immediately after the return, going to save about 17%. But those who have asked before filing (without the certainty that all will return), the figure has risen from 17 to 27%.
This change in behavior is due to the belief in himself as the future more successful and capable man. The trick is to use it when planning savings a commitment to yourself.
For example, if you configure a deduction for deposit a certain percentage from each paycheck, you can avoid the temptation to spend the money as they will appear on the map.
2. Use the transitional periods for the benefit
In psychology, there is the effect of "clean slate" when at the beginning of the year, a semester or before the day of birth is increased motivation. It works with the savings, which confirms another experiment de la Rosa.
Promoting site for the elderly on the delivery of housing, her team placed two advertisements in social networks aimed at the same audience - 64-year-old users. On the first banner was a text "you age. Ready for retirement? rooms for rent will help. "
At the second just replace the "you age" to "you soon 65", but it gave more conversions and registrations.
This is the same effect of "blank slate", where the call to action was a reminder of the age. Such turning points when the motivation is very high, it is convenient to use for a decision about savings, preferably backed their obligations.
Just add a calendar reminder on the day before his birthday and mark financial target.
3. Monitor frequent incidental expenses
Studies confirm that most people regret the money spent on snacks and meals outside the home. These small expenses add up to a tangible item of expenditure and prevent the save. Taking them under control, we can radically change the situation.
Wendy demonstrates this by example. Living in New York, she spent on raydshering more than 2000 dollars, which was more than renting an apartment. She promised herself to save, but still gave the same amount until they change their behavior.
She untied the credit card in the application raydsheringa and added a debit card with a limit of $ 300 per month. When the limit is ended, it was necessary to pass a binding procedure for a new card that has stopped Wendy from spontaneous spending.
Similarly, we can proceed with other frequently recurring expenses - to set the allowable budget and make the payment after exceeding it more difficult. Instead of counting limit is more convenient to use the restriction on the number spending. For example, Wendy Allow yourself to enjoy raydsheringom only three times a week.
If you are interested in this topic, there are more details in the original video lectures at TED.
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- How to spend less and save more: simple rules that we forget
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